Feb 14, 2025  
2015 - 2016 Catalog 
2015 - 2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Academic Amnesty

Students who have not been enrolled in an accredited college or university for at least three calendar years may, during their first semester of enrollment only, petition for academic amnesty. When students are granted academic amnesty, all college-level work completed at an earlier date is eliminated from computation of the grade point average and cannot be applied to a degree or certificate program of study at Delgado Community College. While previous work at Delgado will not be removed from the student’s scholastic records and transcript, it may not be used to meet degree requirements. The Delgado record will indicate clearly that academic amnesty has been granted and the effective date.

Students who are granted academic amnesty may qualify for scholarships or honors based on academic merit at such time as their Delgado Community College cumulative grade point average indicates that they are qualified. A student demonstrating competency in a given area may be allowed advanced standing (without credit) or a waiver of requirements, just as may any entering freshman. Students may be eligible for credit examinations for courses in which grades of “C” or higher were earned. (See Academic Policies and Procedures  .)

Academic amnesty applies only to admission to Delgado Community College. Students granted amnesty at Delgado will be subject to the admissions policies of other institutions to which they may transfer after attending Delgado. When reviewing applications, many undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools compute the undergraduate grade point average based on all hours attempted.

Academic amnesty may be granted to a student only once, regardless of the institutions attended. Amnesty granted by another regionally accredited institution of higher education will be accepted by Delgado Community College.

During the first semester of enrollment, denials of requests for academic amnesty may be appealed to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for a final decision.