Feb 13, 2025  
2015 - 2016 Catalog 
2015 - 2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Student / Campus Classification


Student Classification

A credit of one semester hour usually represents one hour of classwork or one laboratory session per week for a semester together with the necessary outside preparation.

A student’s classification is determined upon registration and again at the end of each semester according to the number of credit hours earned. A student who has earned fewer than 30 credit hours is classified as a freshman.

A student is classified as a sophomore after earning at least 30 hours. A student is also classified as full-time or part-time in accordance with the number of credit hours pursued during a semester. Twelve hours constitutes a full-time schedule in a regular semester, six hours in the summer session. Only an exceptional student may, upon the approval of the appropriate division dean, enroll in more than 18 credit hours (nine hours in summer session, three hours in an intersession). The maximum allowable course load is 21 credit hours. The permission of the division dean and a degree audit are required for graduating students to enroll in hours beyond this maximum.

Students receiving financial assistance in any form need to verify with the qualifying agency the definition of “full-time” applicable for that form of financial assistance.

Campus Classification

Student campus classification for a semester is based on the campus the student is attending. For students attending more than one campus, the campus to which a student is enrolled over 50 percent of his/her credit hours determines the student’s campus classification.  If a student  is enrolled evenly across more than one campus (for example: 50 / 50  percent or 331/3 / 331/3 / 331/3 percent), the student’s campus classification is determined as the campus to which the student originally applied to the College.

Students may officially request to change their campus classification in the Office of the Registrar. However, this classification is based on which campus the student takes the majority of their classes. Students should refer to the above campus classification criteria. Certain fees vary by campus and additional fees may be charged to a student account for the semester if the campus classification changes. Campus classification changes will be denied if the above criteria are not met.

All majors are not available on all campuses, but a student may begin any major at the City Park Campus or the West Bank Campus.