Feb 19, 2025  
2017 - 2018 Catalog 
2017 - 2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Academic Renewal

Effective Fall 2017, in accordance with the Louisiana Community and Technical College System Policy #1.006, Academic Renewal, Delgado Community College provides students who have not been enrolled in college due to academic deficiencies the opportunity to renew their academic record. The student must not have been enrolled in college level coursework for one year, demonstrate that the conditions that led to the academic deficiencies have changed, and complete the necessary steps to be considered for Academic Renewal. Academic Renewal can only be awarded by Delgado once in an academic lifetime and cannot be declared for any period that was previously used for an awarded credential.

The following requirements and standards apply:

  • The student must submit an application for admission, submit an official transcript from ALL colleges attended (excluding Delgado), and be admitted to the College.
  • During the first semester of enrollment, the student must be degree-seeking and enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours.
  • The student must submit an Application for Academic Renewal along with supporting documents to the Registrar’s Office before or during the first semester of enrollment.
  • The student must also submit a letter of explanation to include evidence that there is reasonable expectation of future satisfactory performance.
  • If Academic Renewal is not declared during the first term of enrollment, then the student is eligible to appeal for an exception the following semester.
  • The Registrar’s Office reviews the academic record to determine eligibility to be considered for Academic Renewal and accordingly approves or denies the request.
  • Applying for Academic Renewal does not ensure approval.
  • Denials of requests for academic renewal may be appealed to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for a final decision.
  • Delgado will recognize Academic Renewal granted by other LCTCS institutions without appeal of acceptance.
  • Delgado may recognize Academic Renewal from institutions outside the LCTCS System, but the student must submit a request to apply it to his or her record.
  • A non-LCTCS institution may choose to accept or deny the transfer of Academic Renewal granted by Delgado. Students are encouraged to investigate the Academic Renewal policy if they plan to transfer to another institution.
  • If student is approved for Academic Renewal, the actual implementation of Academic Renewal will be contingent upon successful completion of at least six (6) credit hours (with a semester GPA of no less than 2.0) during his or her first term of enrollment after approval to ensure academic success. It will be the student’s responsibility to return to the Registrar’s Office for review of the academic success. If the semester average is less than a 2.0, Academic Renewal will not be implemented on the student’s academic transcript and the approval for Academic Renewal will be null and void.
  • If the first term of enrollment after appeal for Academic Renewal is successful with a semester GPA of no less than 2.0, Academic Renewal is implemented on the academic transcript. Only credits with grades of A, B, C, and P will remain as credits earned to be used to satisfy requirements for awards and will be used in the cumulative GPA.
  • All other grades (considered unsuccessful passes) will be flagged for Academic Renewal.  These credits will be excluded from credit earned and will not be used in the GPA. In addition, these credits will not be used to meet graduation requirements or to compute the cumulative GPA leading to awards.
  • These credits, however, will remain on the transcript as attempted hours and will be used to determine eligibility for financial aid. A student who receives Academic Renewal may or may not be eligible for financial aid at Delgado. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance for more information.
  • A student who received Academic Renewal will have the total cumulative grade point average (excluding courses waived by Academic Renewal) considered for academic honors awarded at graduation.
  • If granted, Academic Renewal will be noted on the academic transcript.
  • Students are cautioned that many undergraduate curricula and graduate professional schools compute the undergraduate grade point average on all hours attempted when considering applications for admission.
  • Students must sign the Application for Academic Renewal certifying that they understand the ramifications and accept all the terms of Academic Renewal.