Jan 13, 2025  
2012 - 2013 Catalog 
2012 - 2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

College Boards, Councils and Committees

Board Of Regents For Higher Education

System Office:

Dr. Jim Purcell
Commissioner of Higher Education

Dr. Kim Hunter-Reed
Chief of Staff

1201 N. Third Street, Suite 6-200
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(225) 342-4253
FAX: (225) 342-9318 or 342-6926
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3077
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677

Charlotte Bollinger, Lockport - Vice Chair

Robert W. Levy, Ruston - Chairman

Joseph C. Wiley, Baton Rouge - Secretary

Scott Ballard, Covington; Robert J. Bruno, Covington; Maurice C. Durbin, Denham Springs; Joseph P. Farr, Monroe; William “Bill” Fenstermaker, Lafayette; Chris D. Gorman, Shreveport; Donna Guinn Klein, New Orleans; Roy O. Martin III, Alexandria; W. Clinton “Bubba” Rasberry Jr., Shreveport; Albert D. Sam II, Baton Rouge; Victor T. Stelly, Lake Charles; Harold M. Stokes, Metairie; John D. Mineo IV, Student Member, University of New Orleans

Louisiana Community And Technical College System
Board Of Supervisors

System Office:
Dr. Joe D. May
System President
265 South Foster Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Phone 225-922-2800
FAX 225-922-1185

Vincent St. Blanc III, Franklin - Chair

Michael “Mickey” Murphy, Bogalusa - First Vice Chair

Norwood “Woody” Ogé, Avondale - Second Vice Chair

Edwards Barham, Oak Ridge;  Robert Brown, New Orleans; Helen Bridges Carter, Greensburg; Marco Dorsey, Chalmette; Keith Gamble, Shreveport; Deni Grissette, Sunset; Timothy W. Hardy, Baton Rouge; Brett Mellington, Lafayette; Paul Price Jr., Winnsboro; Dennis Raether, Bogalusa; F. “Mike” Stone, New Orleans; Stephen Smith, Schriever; Allen Scott Terrill, Bossier City; Stephen Toups, Baton Rouge

College Councils

Academic Affairs Council

The Academic Affairs Council is the primary academic planning and management group for the College. The Council provides academic leadership in all areas of the college; provides a forum for discussing academic issues related to academic programs; develops and proposes academic policies; and, serves as an advisory group to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Admissions Council

The Admissions Council serves as a vehicle for deliberating and conveying decisions concerning implementation of policies and procedures regarding admission practices and special admission programs. The Council serves as an advisory group to the College Director of Admissions and Enrollment Services.

Advising Council

The Advising Council makes recommendations to improve coordination of academic advising for new, transfer, returning, and continuing students. The Council reviews and approves revisions, as needed, to the policies and procedures related to academic advising, including but not limited to those published in the Academic Advising Procedural Guide.

Business and Administrative Affairs Council

The Business and Administrative Affairs Council is the primary planning and management group for business and administrative affairs at the College. The Council provides business and administrative leadership in all areas of the College; provides a forum for discussing issues affecting the College’s business and administrative operations; develops and proposes business and administrative policies for the College; and serves as an advisory group to the Vice Chancellor for Business and Administrative Affairs. 

College Council

The College Council is the primary planning and management group for Delgado Community College. The College Council provides the leadership for developing college administrative policy; provides a forum for discussing college/campus/community relationships; ensures an understanding and clarification of Board of Supervisors’ policies; and serves as an advisory group to the Chancellor of the College.

Coordinating Council on Institutional Effectiveness

The Council on Institutional Effectiveness oversees and coordinates the efforts involved in the planning and assessment of the academic and administrative activities of the College and carries out the policy on Institutional Effectiveness for Planning and Assessment. It serves in an active capacity by reviewing and revising planning and assessment functions and activities. It also serves in an advisory and support capacity to faculty, staff, and administrators in responding to the challenges of change, and in preparing for the future. The Council on Institutional Effectiveness ensures the integration and reinforcement of assessment, planning, and budgeting as outlined in Institutional Effectiveness for Planning and Assessment, Policy and Procedures Memorandum AA- 1210.1E. The Council works with the College Council and Academic Affairs Council in this regard.

Deans’ Council

The Deans’ Council is a college-wide planning and advisory group comprised of the Deans of all academic divisions across the College. In support of the one-college identity, the Deans’ Council provides a forum for Division Deans to address academic issues related to maintaining consistency in academic offerings, programs, policies, and practices across the College’s campuses; makes recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council related to academic policies and practices; and serves as an advisory group to the Academic Affairs Council on matters pertaining to the responsibilities and scope of the Division Deans.

Department Chair Council

The Department Chair Council is a college-wide planning and advisory group comprised of the Department Chairs of all academic divisions across the College. The Department Chair Council, in support of the one-college identity, provides a forum for Departments Chairs to address academic issues related to maintaining consistency in academic offerings, programs, policies, and practices across the College’s campuses; makes recommendations to the Dean’s Council related to academic policies and practices; and serves as an advisory group to the Dean’s Council on matters pertaining to the responsibilities and scope of the Department Chairs.

Distance Learning and Instructional Technology Council

The Distance Learning and Instructional Technology Council serves in an active advisory capacity to the College’s Distance Learning and Instructional Technology program. The Council reviews policy, procedure, program, and technology recommendations of the College’s various councils and committees, including the Committee on Instructional Technology, and addresses issues and challenges related to the delivery of distance learning and instructional technology. The Council makes policy and procedure recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council, and recommendations regarding the College’s technology resources to the Information Systems Council. The Council on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology also serves in a support capacity to faculty, staff, and administrators in responding to the challenges of changes in technology affecting distance learning.

Enrollment Services Council

The Enrollment Services Council is responsible for college-wide planning, coordination and implementation of the recruitment/outreach efforts of the College. The council serves as an advisory group to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. 

Executive Council

The Executive Council is the executive advisory council for the Chancellor, composed of the College’s Vice Chancellors. The function of the Executive Council is to address opportunities, challenges, or issues impacting the College, which include fiscal, administrative, resources, personnel, academic, student and other matters that should be reviewed by the upper-level administration.

Grants Council

The Grants Council serves as an advisory group to the College’s Grants Development Office. This Council is a vehicle for coordinating, developing, reviewing, and communicating policies and procedures that impact institutional advancement initiatives to the College. The Grants Council meets quarterly to review the status of grants that have been developed and those that are being developed; review current policies and procedures related to grant approvals and contract negotiations; develop an annual strategic plan related to the grant and development management processes; provide a forum for discussing grant issues related to the College strategic plans; collect relevant information on College needs for use in solicitation of gifts; coordinate and centralize all fund-raising activities for the College to avoid overlap or duplication; develop relationships with, conduct research on, correspond with, and entertain and solicit prospects including faculty, staff, foundation directors, alumni, friends of the College, and business and industry leaders; and partner with faculty and staff to identify donor prospects.

Information Systems Council

The Information Systems Council provides the direction for information technology support in all areas of the College including administrative computing, academic computing, instructional technology, networking and communications, and technological infra-structure. The Information Systems Council: 1) biennially evaluates and makes recommendations for college-wide policies and procedure for the allocation and use of information technology resources that are consistent with the purpose and goals of the College; 2) develops an institution-wide strategic plan for reviewing and coordinating college-wide information technology-related to needs and services; and 3) recommends and reviews an ongoing plan for information technology resources and for reviewing technology resources/network access and security.

International Student Advisory Council

The International Student Advisory Council serves as an advisory group to the College Director of Admissions and Enrollment Services and as a vehicle for communicating policies and procedures to faculty and staff who serve the needs of international students.

Job Placement Council

The Job Placement Council is responsible for college-wide planning and coordination of the job placement efforts of the College. Emphasis will be placed on development of a system for compiling data on the placement of students into jobs (both part- and full-time) related to their chosen fields of study. Follow-up reporting of job placements or graduates will be emphasized.

Registrar’s Council

The Registrar’s Council serves as a vehicle for communicating policies and procedures to staff on all campuses and at all sites. The Council serves as an advisory group to the College Registrar.

Retention Council

The Retention Council is responsible for college-wide planning, coordination and implementation of the College’s student retention efforts. In order to accomplish this, the Retention Council reviews student data to determine improvements needed in retention efforts, develops effective activities for retaining “at risk” populations, coordinates College-wide retention activities, and pursues external/grant funding opportunities that enhance retention efforts. The council serves as an advisory group to the Chancellor.

Safety Council

The Safety Council is the primary planning and advisory group for the College’s safety program. The Chancellor has designated a Risk and Safety Manager who coordinates all components of the program. The College Risk and Safety Manager serves as chair of the Council. The Safety Council addresses all components of the college-wide safety program, and makes policy and procedural recommendations for improvement on an ongoing basis; serves as an advisory group to the College Risk and Safety Manager in the coordination of the safety program; and provides opportunity for representation of Campus/Site Safety Committee issues, challenges and recommendations.

Student Affairs Council

The Council meets regularly and serves as the primary student planning and management group for the College by providing leadership in all student affairs functions; provides a forum for discussing issues related to student affairs functions, offices and staff; developing and proposing student affairs policies for the College; and serves as an advisory group to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

Student Government Council

The Student Government Council is the coordinating body for college-wide policy and procedures for the Student Government Association. It also provides a forum for discussing issues of importance to students and an opportunity to give student input to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. 

Student Technology Enhancement Program (STEP) Council

The Student Technology Enhancement Program Council is charged with offering input on all major technology efforts of the College, both academic and administrative, making recommendations on new initiatives, and evaluating progress toward the completion of initiatives. The Council solicits proposals for the use of the Technology fee, evaluates proposals, and makes recommendations to the Chancellor of the College on the expenditure of the Technology fee. 

Testing Council

The Testing Council is responsible for researching and recommending to the College the appropriate standardized and computerized nationally normed academic, certification and assessment instruments. It is also obligated to review current policies and procedures of existing tests and to recommend new testing policies and procedures including but not limited to fees, structure, programs, college cut-off scores, and procedures followed at each campus and/or site. Council members are charged with the responsibility of informing their departments and other divisions of the College of the various tests offered in the Office of Advising and Testing.

Workforce Development and Education Council

The Workforce Development and Education Council addresses the constantly evolving workforce training needs of business and industry within New Orleans and the surrounding metropolitan area. The Workforce Development and Education Council develops flexible college-wide workforce development and education policies that will ensure a rapid response to the needs of business and industry; designs and reviews new certification, training and education programs that meet the needs of Louisiana’s current and emerging workforce; provides leadership and serves as a training resource to the college and the business community; identifies emerging business trends and technologies; and serves as regional liaison and college-wide advisory group regarding workforce development issues.

Campus Councils

The function of the councils on each campus is to discuss and coordinate College and campus policies, procedures, and activities.

College Standing Committees

Academic and Admissions Standards Committee

The Academic and Admissions Standards Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and makes recommendations concerning academic standards, admissions standards, probation and suspension policies, and graduation requirements. The Committee ensures that SACS requirements are met and oversees the implementation of policies established by the Board of Regents and the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System.

Academic Appeals Committee

In accordance with the College’s Academic Appeals Procedures policy, an Academic Appeals Committee is formed from a pool of committee members to hear academic appeals.

Academic Articulation Committee

The Committee on Academic Articulation is established to assist the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in developing, reviewing, and renewing articulation agreements with other institutions in accordance with the College’s “Articulation Agreements with Other Institutions” policy.

Athletics Committee

The Athletics Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and promotes the college athletic programs; reviews athletic policies, budgets, and schedules of athletic events; resolves students’ athletic-related grievances; and reviews all academic progress of student athletes and ultimately their eligibility.

Catalog Committee

The Catalog Committee serves to advise the Editor of the College Catalog for the academic year in which it is appointed. It ensures that all approved changes in the curriculum, in academic standards, and in student affairs policies and procedures are reflected in the Catalog. The Catalog Committee receives and makes recommendations regarding format and style. 

College Campus Ministry Committee

The College Campus Ministry Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and coordinates spiritual and religious student activities, ensures application of ethical values to student development, promotes fair treatment of religious groups, and protects students from inappropriate religious persuasion and solicitation of funds on campus.

Commencement Committee

The Commencement Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and plans, coordinates, and manages the arrangements for graduation ceremonies.

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee serves as an advisory committee and reports to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and meets regularly to review curricula and evaluate proposed curricular changes including: new courses and master syllabi, prerequisites or corequisites for courses, changes in course titles and credit hours, additions or deletions of programs, revisions in degree and certificate programs, deletion of courses and programs. It ensures appropriate master syllabi are in order for all proposed courses and evaluates its own processes, including receiving and reviewing reports on program assessment.

Developmental Education Assessment Committee

The Committee on Developmental Education Assessment is established to work with Developmental Education faculty in assessing the developmental education program of Delgado Community College. The Committee has the responsibility of assisting faculty in defining the goals, outcomes and criteria for assessing each discipline.

Excellence in Teaching Committee

The Excellence in Teaching Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. In accordance with established procedures, the Committee reviews the nominees for the Seymour Weiss Excellence in Teaching Award and selects the recipient. Each year the Committee reviews the selection process and reports any suggestions for revisions.

Faculty and Staff Professional Development Committee

The Faculty and Staff Professional Development Committee, in coordination with college-wide councils, has an advisory role for faculty and staff enrichment activities at the College. Faculty and staff enrichment activities include but are not limited to: in-service training, continuing education, and support for new faculty. 

Faculty Evaluation and Improvement of Instruction Committee

The Committee on Faculty Evaluation and Improvement of Instruction serves as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and guides and monitors implementation of a comprehensive faculty evaluation system for both the improvement of instruction (formative) and for summative purposes.

General Education Assessment Committee

The General Education Assessment Committee provides leadership and coordination of assessment efforts to measure the effectiveness of General Education at the College.

Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) ensures the protection and welfare of human subjects involved in research supported by, conducted at, or associated with the College.

Instructional Technology Committee

The Committee on Instructional Technology promotes and oversees the development and evaluation of technology in teaching and learning. Specifically, the Committee: recommends faculty and staff development activities in instructional technology; recommends policies and procedures regarding student, faculty, and staff access to technology for research, communication, and teaching/learning purposes; develops and periodically reviews student evaluation of instructional technology and distance learning; explores and recommends new technology, particularly to enhance and develop new forms of distance education; and collaborates with appropriate College units to recommend policies and procedures for the monitoring and review of distance education courses and programs to ensure compliance with regional and/or state accrediting/governing agencies’ standards.

Library and Learning Resources Committee

The Library and Learning Resources Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and continually reviews the capabilities of the campus libraries and other learning resources to respond to instructional needs of the faculty and educational requirements of the students of the Delgado Community College System. Specifically, the committee: studies the needs of divisions for library and other learning support for their instructional programs; evaluates the College’s ability to respond to these needs; evaluates new technologies in multimedia and distance education for possible implementation within the Delgado Community College System, in coordination with the Instructional Technology Committee; evaluates acquisition policies of the libraries and procurement plans for learning resources to ensure that journals, books, technology, and other materials procured best serve the needs of the faculty and students; recommends ways to expand the use of technology and other resources in the classroom; and recommends ways to stimulate students’ use of the library.

Multiculturalism and Diversity Committee

The Multiculturalism and Diversity Committee continually reviews and makes recommendations to the Chancellor on College policies and programming that relate to the issues of diversity. The Committee is proactive in fostering an appreciation of diversity across all College campuses.

Program Review Committee

The Committee on Program Review coordinates and implements comprehensive outcome review processes for degree programs following the guidelines developed and as directed by the Coordinating Council on Assessment. Duties of the Committee include: (1) the designation of programs for review each semester in five-year assessment cycles, (2) coordination and assistance in the execution of the assessment procedures, (3) evaluation of the findings, and (4) support for program-based efforts in utilizing the results of the reviews.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance Committee

The Scholarships and Financial Assistance Committee serves as an advisor to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. It evaluates and validates criteria for scholarships and financial assistance; selects recipients of academic scholarships; recommends policies and standards for granting student aid, academic scholarships, and awards, other than those policies and standards set by law or donor; and serves as a resource for information on scholarships.

Service Learning Committee

The Committee on Service Learning supports the service learning initiative of the College. Service learning is a teaching strategy that enhances student learning by community engagement. Students apply concepts and skills learned in the classroom to provide services that meet real community needs and at the same time benefit from the service experience. This committee makes recommendations to the service learning faculty coordinators regarding policies and serves as a resource to assist in the development and sustainability of service learning at the College. 

Special Needs and Health Services Committee

This committee functions as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and seeks ways to meet needs of special students, including the physically handicapped and the culturally disadvantaged, and provides guidance in planning programs on drug abuse and stress management.

Student Affairs Assessment Committee

The Student Affairs Assessment Committee coordinates and implements comprehensive outcome review processes for all Student Affairs programs. The committee reviews programs on a yearly assessment cycle, assists in the execution of the assessment evaluation of the findings, and supports program-based efforts in utilizing the results of the review. 

Student Grievance Committee

The Student Grievance Committee hears complaints and grievances of students regarding any problem pertaining to student life and development and makes recommendations for resolving substantiated problems.

Student Judicial Committee

The Student Judicial Committee functions as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and conducts disciplinary hearings in all cases referred to the committee by the Director of Student Life, as well as appeals by students challenging the decision of the Director of Student Life. It also evaluates procedures for such hearings and recommends changes as appropriate. 

Student Opinion of Instruction Task Force

The Task Force on Student Opinion of Instruction is charged with defining the purpose, the value, and the quality of the student opinion of instruction instrument as a means of evaluating and improving instruction; researching, reviewing, redesigning, and upgrading the survey; and presenting a working instrument for anticipated implementation.

Student Organizations, Activities, and Intramurals Committee

This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and works with the SGA to evaluate and recommend policies relating to student activities, student organizations, cultural events, and intramural athletics. The committee is also charged with the responsibility for implementing policies and activities that enhance student participation in organizations, activities, and intramurals.

Student Publications Committee

The Student Publications Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and provides guidance for the future growth of The Dolphin (the student newspaper) and Images (the student literary magazine), and for developing and implementing strategies to increase student participation.

Foundation Board

Delgado Community College Foundation was organized in the early 1980s. The Foundation is comprised of a distinguished cross-section of business men and women from the New Orleans metropolitan area who provide guidance and support to the mission of the College.

The mission of the Foundation is to develop private financial resources for the College. These resources are used to promote and enhance educational programs, fund scholarships, and to seek external revenues, private philanthropic investment and advocacy support as supporting funds for the College.

The Foundation works to raise funds to sponsor the Seymour Weiss Scholarship Fund and to assist the College with events that cannot be funded from the general fund, such as political fundraising/contributions and other College-wide projects. In addition, the Foundation enhances the community’s awareness of the College’s needs and acts as a catalyst to build business and community partnerships.

Alumni Association

Delgado Community College Alumni Association

The Alumni Association was organized to promote the educational, physical, and athletic growth of the College and to cultivate and preserve the bonds of friendship among existing and former students and friends of the College. The association is managed and handled by a Board of Directors, which consists of former graduates who have demonstrated an interest in serving the College.

Endowed Professorships

The Endowed Professorship Program is a major effort by Delgado, the community, and the College Foundation to demonstrate commitment to quality instruction by recognizing and fostering faculty excellence. The college has 15 endowed professorships in four areas funded through the Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund and the following donors:

Delgado Foundation – Seymour Weiss Excellence in Teaching

Meadowcrest Hospital, Jo Ellen Smith Hospital - Nursing

Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation - Nursing

Chalmette Medical Center - Nursing

East Jefferson General Hospital

Diane Benitez - Nursing

East Jefferson General Hospital

Harry Collins - Nursing and Allied Health

East Jefferson General Hospital

Frank Ciciro - Nursing and Allied Health

East Jefferson General Hospital - Allied Health

Slidell Memorial Hospital - Allied Health

Terrebonne General Medical Center - Allied Health

Pendleton Memorial Methodist Hospital - Allied Health

Nursing and Health Science Empowerment - Allied Health and Nursing

New Orleans Food and Wine Experience - Culinary Arts

Alden McDonald Endowed Professorship – Business Administration

Lee Giorgio Endowed Professorship – Business Administration

Lee Giorgio Endowed First-Generation Scholarship

Dr. Jack Finn Endowed First-Generation Scholarship