Sep 11, 2024  
2010 - 2011 Catalog 
2010 - 2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Student Classification

A credit of one semester hour usually represents one hour of classwork or one laboratory session per week for a semester together with the necessary outside preparation.

A student’s classification is determined upon registration and again at the end of each semester according to the number of credit hours earned. A student who has earned fewer than 30 credit hours is classified as a freshman.

A student is classified as a sophomore after earning at least 30 hours and as an upperclassman after earning 60 hours. A student is also classified as full-time or part-time in accordance with the number of credit hours pursued during a semester. Twelve hours constitutes a full-time schedule in a regular semester, six hours in the summer session. Only an exceptional student may, upon the approval of the appropriate division dean, enroll in more than 18 credit hours (nine hours in summer session). The maximum allowable course load is 21 credit hours (12 hours in summer session). The permission of the campus provost is required to enroll in hours beyond this maximum.

Students receiving financial assistance in any form need to verify with the qualifying agency the definition of “full-time” applicable for that form of financial assistance.

Campus Classification

Student campus classification for a semester is based on the campus the student is attending. For students attending more than one campus, the campus to which a student is enrolled over 50% of his/her credit hours determines the student’s campus classification.  If a student  is enrolled evenly across more than one campus (for example 50%/50% or 331/3%/331/3%/331/3%), the student’s campus classification is determined as the campus to which the student originally applied to the College.

Students may officially request to change their campus classification in the Office of the Registrar. However, this classification is based on which campus the student takes the majority of their classes. Students should refer to the above campus classification criteria. Certain fees vary by campus and additional fees may be charged to a student account for the semester if the campus classification changes. Campus classification changes will be denied if the above criteria are not met.

All majors are not available on all campuses, but a student may begin any major at the City Park Campus, the West Bank Campus, or Northshore.


Class attendance is an obligation as well as a privilege. All students are expected to attend (or interact online, if applicable) regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may lead to being dropped from the course or a failing grade. Faculty members are required to state and to explain in the course’s syllabus their expectations concerning class attendance (or online participation, if applicable) and absences.

Each instructor must keep a permanent record for each class. It is the instructor’s prerogative to define “excused” and “unexcused” absences. If a student has “unexcused” absences for ten percent of the total scheduled classes, the instructor may drop the student from the course. Students who are dropped from courses for excessive absences may appeal the action. (See “Deadline for Challenging/Appealing Drops Due to Excessive Absences,” below.)

Changes To Class Schedule

Requests by students for addition of courses cannot be accepted by the Office of the Registrar after the end of late registration. Generally, students may not change sections after the end of late registration. When the student can verify that his or her hours of employment have been changed, the student may change from day to night or night to day sections of courses if such sections are available and the involved instructors agree to the change.

Dropping Classes/Withdrawing From College

A student is responsible for dropping classes or withdrawing from College if he/she is unable to complete the course(s). A student must not assume that a faculty member will drop them from class. Failure to officially drop a course or withdraw from the College may result in the student receiving an “F” in the course.

A student may drop a class in the Registrar’s Office (City Park Campus), Student Records Office (Charity School of Nursing Campus), Admissions Office (West Bank Campus), Office of Northshore/Slidell or Northshore/Covington, or on the Delgado Web Site until the final date for dropping. (See the Academic Calendar for specific dates for each semester.) Dropping all courses is the same as withdrawing from the College.

To withdraw from the College, a student must complete the official Withdrawal Form. The form and instructions for proceeding are available at the Office of Advising and Testing (OAT-City Park Campus), Student Records Office (Charity School of Nursing Campus), Office of Northshore/Slidell or Covington, or the Admissions/Registrar’s Office (West Bank Campus). The Librarian, the Bursar, and a Financial Assistance Officer must sign the completed form before it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office on the student’s respective campus. Withdrawal is effective on the date the completed form is submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The final date for dropping a class or withdrawing from the College is in the academic calendar for the semester.


Students who have been dropped for excessive absences or who have dropped courses themselves may request reinstatement. If the reinstatement is approved by the instructor and the division dean, the student may process the paperwork in the Office of the Registrar. The approved paperwork must be received by the Records Office by the deadline listed in the Academic Calendar.

Auditing Classes

A student who wants to enroll in a college credit course for personal enrichment and who does not want to earn college credit may elect to audit the course. The decision should be made at the time of registration. Changes from audit to credit or from credit to audit must be made by the official end of Late Registration as listed in the college calendar. A student may audit no more than nine credit hours in any semester.

An auditor will not receive college credit, nor will he or she be permitted to obtain credit for the audited course through a credit examination or any other form of non-traditional credit. However, a course previously audited may be taken for credit by enrolling in the course.

Students who wish to audit courses must follow the same admissions procedures as credit students. Students who have been suspended or dismissed by other colleges or universities may, under specified conditions, audit courses at Delgado. (See the Admissions section for details.  Audited courses are not included in determining a student’s full-time enrollment status (for insurance or other purposes).


Final examinations are required and are held at the end of each semester or summer term in accordance with the schedule issued by the Registrar. When final examinations are inappropriate because of the nature of the course, exceptions to this requirement may be made upon approval of the appropriate division dean.

Grading System

Degree of attainment of course objectives is indicated by letter grades and quality points. A quality-point-to-semester-hour ratio of 2.0 (i.e., a “C” average) in the courses of the degree program pursued is required for graduation. The number of semester hours of credit offered for each course is included with the course description listed in another section of this catalog.

Final grades are reported for each student for every course undertaken according to the following grading system.

Letter Grade Description Quality Points Per Credit Hour

Above average
Passing, below average
Grade not submitted
Passing, but competency level not reached
Not computed
Not computed
Not computed
Not computed
Not computed
Not computed

Quality points earned for each course are determined by multiplying the number of quality points for each grade by the number of credit hours the course carries. A student’s grade point average is computed by adding the total quality points for all courses for which quality point values may be computed, then dividing by the corresponding number of credit hours attempted during the same period. The grade of pass “P” will be awarded for nontraditional credit and non-credit courses only. Courses so credited will not be used in computing the grade point average.

A grade of incomplete (“I”) indicates that satisfactory work has been done in a course, but the student has been prevented from completing the final examination or other concluding work because of some verifiable reason. The grade of “I” may be given as a final grade only. An “I” grade will not be given unless the student contacts his or her instructor and a contract for completion of work is approved. The “I”’ grade must be removed by the time final grades are due in the Office of the Registrar the following semester (unless the “I” contract specifies an earlier deadline); otherwise, it will be automatically converted to a permanent “F”. The grade of “I” is not used in calculating grade point average. If it is not removed in the allotted time, however, it will be calculated as an “F” upon conversion. Re-enrolling in a class will not prevent an “I” from being changed to an “F”. The Repeat/Delete policy may remove an “F” from the GPA (see “Repeat/Delete Policy,” below).

A student who withdraws from a course after the official fourteenth day of class and prior to the deadline designated on the academic calendar for dropping with a “W” will receive a “W” for the course. After this date, a student may not withdraw. In extraordinary cases, the campus provost may authorize resignation from the institution or the dropping of a course with a “W” after the deadline. Extraordinary cases do not include dissatisfaction with an anticipated grade or the decision to change a major.

The “YA” through “YC grades are earned only in developmental studies Reading courses. These grades indicate that the student has made progress but is not yet at competency level. The Y + grade is not used in the computation of the grade point average.

A student who believes a grade has been calculated incorrectly must appeal within one semester of earning the grade. Grade appeals must follow the procedures outlined by the Academic Appeals Committee. (See “Academic Appeals Procedures,” below.)

English Department - “C” Prerequisite

A student must earn a grade of “C” or better in his/her English course to advance to the next English course in the sequence. “D”s may still be awarded in all courses and are acceptable in all courses that will not be used as a prerequisite for another course.

ALL students who have earned a “D” are strongly advised to repeat the course.

Math Department - “C” Prerequisite

A student must earn a grade of “C” or better in his/her math course to advance to the next math course in the sequence. “D”s may still be given in all courses and are acceptable in courses that will not be used as a prerequisite for another course.

ALL students who have earned a “D” are strongly advised to repeat the course.

Reading Department - “C” Prerequisite

A student must earn a grade of “C” or better in his/her Developmental Reading course (READ 070, READ 071, READ 072, or READ 073) to exit Developmental Reading. Students with a grade of “D” or “F” must repeat the course. A grade of “YA,” “YB,” or “YC” is earned only in Developmental Reading and indicates that the student has made progress but is not yet at competency level and advances to the next level of Developmental Reading.

Repeat/Delete Policy

Since fall 1984, a student has been allowed to repeat a course in which he or she has previously enrolled at Delgado. (The course must have been taken for the first time in Fall 1984 or thereafter at Delgado Community College.) In this case, an “R” is added beside the first grade, and the first grade is not computed in the grade point average. The last grade received becomes the official grade for the course and is the grade computed in the grade point average. A “W” does not delete a prior grade.

Students who took a course for the first time at Delgado between fall 1984 and spring 1992 and then repeated the course must apply to have the first grade deleted from their cumulative grade point average. Forms for such requests are available in the Registrar’s Office on each campus.

Students should be aware that four-year colleges and universities and many professional programs may not honor Delgado’s Repeat/Delete policy. Such institutions generally compute all grades in the cumulative grade point average.

Effective fall 1995, a student may delete a maximum of 15 credit hours of course work numbered above 099 from the Delgado Community College cumulative grade point average by repeating courses. For all courses repeated after the 15 hour maximum is reached, grades for all attempts will be included in the cumulative GPA. The last grade will continue to be the official grade. There is no limit to the repeat/delete for courses numbered below 100.

Change Of Major

A degree-seeking student may transfer from one degree or certificate program to another. A non-degree-seeking student may declare a major after meeting the admission requirements for a degree-seeking student. A student wishing to change his or her major may do so in the Registrar’s Office. Students must meet the degree requirements listed in the catalog in effect at the time they change majors.

Change Of Catalog

A student who misses a fall or spring semester must follow the catalog in effect when the student returns to college. A student may request permission to use his or her original catalog only if the student had completed two-thirds (2/3) of the courses required for the degree under the original catalog at the time of the break in enrollment.

Requests for catalog changes will be approved by the appropriate division dean and the campus provost so long as the catalog requested is no more than five years old (i.e., 2002-2003 for the 2007-2008 year). Requests to use an older catalog will also require the approval of the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development. A student may not use any catalog in effect other than his or her original catalog, the catalog when the student returns after missing a fall or spring semester, the catalog in effect when the student changes majors (to be used only for the new major), or the exit catalog.

Courses In Sequence

A student may not register for any lower-level course in a sequence after having received a passing grade in the higher-level course in the sequence. In this context, the higher-level course must contain material similar to, but at a more advanced level, than that of the lower-level course. Such courses include but are not limited to: accounting, algebra, biology, calculus, chemistry, computer languages, design, drafting, drawing, English, foreign languages, keyboarding, music, painting, physics, and sculpture. Such courses must be identified by the fact that the lower-level course serves as a prerequisite to the higher-level course. Students may repeat BIOL 251-253 after having completed or while enrolled in BIOL 252-254 because of the non-sequential content of these two pairs of courses.

Dean’s List And Honors List

At the end of the fall and spring semesters, a Dean’s List is produced recognizing those students who have completed at least 12 hours (exclusive of developmental studies and English as a Second Language courses) with a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher, with no grade below “C” for that semester.

Each semester an Honors List is also produced recognizing those students who have completed at least 12 hours (exclusive of developmental studies and English as a Second Language courses) with a semester grade point average of 3.00-3.49, with no grade below “C” for that semester.

The Honors Program

The Honors Program provides an excellent opportunity for high achievement students to be placed in small, intensified classes that explore issues and concerns from a wide perspective. A number of scholarships are available for selected members of the program. Students’ transcripts will indicate which courses are “honors,” and upon graduation those who have completed 15 credit hours in such courses will be designated graduates in the Honors Program.

Students who wish to enter the program must meet certain criteria. For entering freshmen, the criteria are a composite ACT score of at least 22 and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0. (For ENGL 101 Honors, a placement score of 10 qualifies.) Continuing students should have a cumulative average of 3.0 with no developmental English or Reading required. To graduate in the Honors Program, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.4 and 15 hours of honors courses.

Academic Status

A student’s academic status is a general indication of his/her eligibility to remain in school. It may affect a student’s eligibility for scholarships, special insurance rates, loans, work-study programs, and participation in intercollegiate athletics and other student activities. A student’s academic status is determined at the end of each semester and summer session.

There are three categories of academic status: academic good standing, academic probation, and academic suspension. Students will receive official notification of academic status. Such notice is not a prerequisite to students being placed in one of the above categories. Delgado will attempt via registered mail or other confirmed written or electronic means to inform students of any changes in academic status. Students have the responsibility to ascertain their academic status prior to the beginning of the next enrollment period.

Cumulative Average: A student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours. (See Grading System for the quality points assigned to each final grade.) Students have a Delgado Cumulative GPA based on all coursework taken at Delgado and a higher education cumulative GPA based on work at Delgado plus work at other regionally accredited institutions. The Delgado Community College cumulative is reflected on the semester grade report and in transcripts and is used to determine academic standing at the College. However, the higher education GPA is used to determine graduation honors.

Good Academic Standing: A student who has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) or higher on all coursework attempted at Delgado Community College is considered to be in good standing. A 2.0 average occurs when the number of quality points is twice the number of credit hours attempted. Students who are provisionally allowed to take courses while on suspension do not revert to the status of good standing.

Probation: A student will be placed on academic probation whenever the Delgado Community College adjusted cumulative average falls below the “College’s scale as listed below:

Adjusted Cumulative Quality Hours Attempted
      Adjusted Cumulative  GPA at Which Student Is Placed on Probation
            1.540 or less
1.640 or less
1.740 or less
1.840 or less
1.940 or less
1.970 or less
1.999 or less

No student will be placed on probation before he/she has attempted 15 credit hours. The statement “Academic Probation” will be placed on the student’s permanent academic record.

Once on academic probation, a student will remain on probation (as long as each semester average is at least a 2.0) until the adjusted cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher is achieved. The College strives to provide academic advising and/or intervention for these students. Once an adjusted cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher is achieved, a student will be removed from probation.

Suspension: A student who is on academic probation and who fails to achieve a semester grade point average of at least a 2.0 in the ensuing semester will be suspended for one semester. The statement “Academic Suspension” will be placed on the student’s permanent academic record.

No student will be suspended before he/she has attempted 24 credit hours.

A student who is suspended for the first time at the end of the fall semester has the option of remaining out of school for the spring semester or auditing courses (maximum of nine hours), enrolling in developmental courses, and/or CCSS 107.

A Delgado student who is suspended for the first time at the end of the spring semester may attend the summer session. If the student raises his/her Delgado cumulative average to 2.0 during the summer session, the student may attend the fall semester. If the cumulative average remains below 2.0, the student is suspended for the fall semester. If the student chooses not to attend the summer session, the student has the option of remaining out of school for the fall semester or auditing courses (maximum of nine hours), enrolling in developmental courses, and/or CCSS 107. Under this program, the student may enroll in a maximum of 13 credit hours per semester.

A Delgado student may appeal to attend and enroll in college level courses during his/her suspension semester. The appeal must be in writing to the Academic Appeals Committee on the student’s home campus (Provost’s office) at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the first day of regular registration. A student reenters the College on academic probation after being suspended academically.

A student who is allowed to enroll during his/her suspension semester is also placed on academic probation and does not revert to the status of good standing. Any Delgado student who is suspended for a second time for academic reasons during a fall semester must remain out of school for the following spring semester.

Any Delgado student who is suspended for a second time for academic reasons during a spring semester must remain out of school for the following summer session and fall semester.

A student who has been placed on academic suspension and achieved a 2.0 grade point average for the semester following reinstatement must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average in each subsequent semester of attendance until he/she achieves a Delgado Community College cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Failure to make a 2.0 grade point average in any subsequent semester before the cumulative 2.0 grade point average is achieved will result in another one semester suspension.

A transfer student who has been suspended for the first time from an accredited college or university may petition to be admitted to Delgado for fall or spring semesters only. If admitted, the student is on probation for the duration of the suspension from the previous college or university and his/her enrollment will be limited to auditing courses (maximum of nine hours), taking developmental courses and/or CCSS 107 only. The student must file an Appeal for Transfer-Suspension Admission Form in the Office of Admissions seven (7) calendar days prior to the first day of regular registration.

A transfer student who is suspended for a second time for academic reasons from another accredited college or university must remain out of school and will not be allowed to enroll in any coursework at Delgado for the entire duration of the suspension.

Academic Status In Specific Majors

Faculty in a given major may, with the approval of the academic administration of the College, establish and publish higher academic standards for admission, continuation and/or reentry to the major.

Academic Status Of Transfer Students

A student who is on probation and who has a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 at his/her previous institution will enter Delgado on probation. At the end of his/her first semester at Delgado, he/she will be suspended if he/she does not achieve a 2.0 grade point average for the semester. He/she will be placed in good academic standing if his/her first semester/term average is 2.0 or higher. The student’s academic status at the end of each subsequent semester of attendance at Delgado will be based on the Delgado cumulative/semester average only.

Academic Appeals Procedures

Delgado Community College has established a process for academic challenges and appeals. Students may challenge and/or appeal: 1) the final grade received in a class, 2) their academic suspension, and 3) their having been dropped from a class for excessive absences. The challenge procedure must be completed before any appeal process is initiated. The procedures for academic challenges and appeals are published in full in the College’s Academic Appeals Procedures policy. A summary of the procedures follows:

Final Grade Challenges/Appeals

Only final grades may be challenged and/or appealed. The challenge procedure must be completed before any appeal process is initiated. In order to change a final grade of “F” or an “F” to a “W,” the final grade challenge/appeal process must be followed. The procedure for challenging a final grade is as follows.

Final Grade Challenge Procedure:

  1. The student completes an Academic Challenge/Appeal Form and presents it to the instructor along with a written statement and/or supporting documentation regarding the final grade dispute. The student discusses the final grade dispute with the instructor and tries to resolve the issue. If the grade is not changed, the instructor must sign the form as documentation. If the instructor is not available, the appropriate department chair or coordinator may sign the form.
  2. If the final grade dispute is not resolved in Step #1, the student submits the Academic Challenge/Appeal Form, with the instructor’s signature (or the department chair’s or coordinator’s if the instructor is not available) along with the verbal statement and/or supporting documentation to the Dean of the division in which the course grade is being disputed. The Division Dean will attempt to resolve the final grade dispute through meetings with the student, instructor, and/or department chair or coordinator.
  3. If the final grade dispute is not resolved in Step #2 and the student wishes to pursue the challenge, the Division Dean submits the student’s written challenge to the Academic Appeals officer, attaching documentation. The student will be contacted by the committee representative and scheduled for a hearing before the committee.

Final Grade Appeal Procedure:

  1. If the final grade dispute is recommended for referral to the Academic Appeals Committee, the Committee must:
    1. Recommend to the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development a change of grade for the student;
    2. Recommend alternative solutions to resolve the student’s dispute; or
    3. Deny the student’s appeal.
  2. If the appeal is denied, the student may submit in writing to the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development an explanation detailing why the appeal should be reviewed. Decisions by the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development are final.

Academic Suspension Challenges/Appeals

A student suspended for the first time may enroll, while on suspension, in coursework specified in the College’s Academic Status policy (above). To enroll in these courses, the student must meet with an academic advisor. To appeal the suspension, the student must follow the process outlined above in Final Grade Challenges/Appeals. (Also, see Deadlines for Challenges/Appeals.)

Program Dismissal Challenges/Appeals

To challenge program dismissals, students must follow the challenge/appeal process outlined above in Final Grade Challenges/Appeals. (Also see Deadlines for Challenges/Appeals.)

Challenges/Appeals of Drops for Excessive Absences

A student may be dropped by an instructor for excessive absences. A student desiring to challenge/appeal being dropped from a class for excessive absences must follow the challenge/appeal process outlined in  Final Grade Challenges/Appeals. (Also see Deadlines for Challenges/Appeals.) A student challenging or appealing being dropped for excessive absences is allowed to attend the dropped class in question pending the outcome of the challenge or appeal process. The student must bring a Notification of Excessive Absence Appeal Form, signed by the division dean, to the instructor of the class from which the student was dropped before being readmitted pending approval.

Deadlines for Challenges/Appeals

Final Grade Challenges/Appeals Deadline

A student must begin the challenge/appeal procedures for final grades before the end of the regular semester following the term in which the final grade being challenged was issued.

Academic Suspension Challenge Deadline

A suspension is for one (1) semester. A suspension challenge procedure must be initiated by the student by the first day of registration for the semester of suspension.

Program Dismissal Challenge Deadline

A program dismissal challenge must be initiated by the student by the first day of registration for the semester of dismissal.

Deadline for Challenging/Appealing Drops Due to Excessive Absences

Excessive absence procedures must be initiated in writing within one (1) week of attempting to return to class. The student is allowed to attend the course while challenging the instructor’s drop; however, class attendance, test results, or participation in the class in question does not influence the challenge or appeal procedures or decisions. The student must bring a Notification of Excessive Absence Appeal Form, signed by the division dean, to the instructor of the class from which the student was dropped before being readmitted pending approval.

Graduation Requirements

A student may qualify for an associate degree or certificate if he or she has satisfactorily:

  1. Completed work in his or her curriculum as described in either the a.) Entry College Catalog—the catalog in effect during the first semester of a student’s latest unbroken enrollment period; or b.) Exit College Catalog—the catalog in effect during the semester in which a student completes graduation requirements. Failure to attend a summer session does not constitute a break in enrollment.

    Change of College Catalog
    For a student who changes majors, the entry College Catalog becomes the catalog in effect the semester in which the student changed to the current major during the student’s latest unbroken enrollment period. The student who changes majors has the option of utilizing the new entry College Catalog or the exit College Catalog.

    If a student requests a change in College Catalog under which the student may fulfill graduation requirements, the student must meet the requirements and follow the procedures outlined below:

    Requirements for a Catalog Change
    Changes in College Catalog may be approved to allow a student who misses a fall or spring semester to go back to the student’s original entry catalog only if the student had completed two-thirds (2/3) of the courses required for the degree or certificate under the original entry catalog at the time the break in enrollment occurred.
    A change of College Catalog must be approved by the student’s advisor, division dean and Campus Provost. The Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development must also approve requests to use catalogs over five years old where there has been a break in enrollment.
    A student may not request any College Catalog other than the original entry catalog, the catalog in effect when the student changed majors (to be used only for that new major), or the catalog in effect upon completion of graduation requirements.

    Procedures to Change Catalog

    If a student wishes to request a change of College Catalog for graduation requirements, the student must complete a Request for Change of College Catalog for Degree or Certificate Requirements Form, Form 1413/002. This form must be signed by the student’s advisor, division dean, and Campus Provost. The signature of the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development is required for requests to use a catalog over five years old where there has been break in enrollment.
  2. Earned at least a “C” in each required major course and has an overall grade point average of 2.0 on all courses used toward the degree or certificate as well as a cumulative average of “C” in courses taken at Delgado Community College. A student who earns an “F” in a required course (“D” or “F” in a major course) must repeat the course. No substitution may be made nor may the course be taken at another institution and transferred to Delgado. (The last grade earned is the official grade in any repeated course.)
  3. Earned at least 25 percent of the semester hours required for the degree/certificate through instruction offered at Delgado. (Non-traditional credits awarded by Delgado may not be used to meet this requirement.) Nine of these credits must be in courses required in the major (those courses in which a minimum grade of “C” is required). Individual programs may have additional residency requirements; students should check with their academic advisor.
  4. Completed 12 of the final 15 hours of required courses applied toward the degree or certificate in residence at Delgado Community College. Nontraditional credits (CLEP, LEAP, etc.) may not be included in the 12 hours.
  5. Used no more than a total of 24 credit hours from non-traditional sources to meet certificate/degree requirements.
  6. Earned no more than one-third of the credits needed in required major courses from non-traditional sources.
  7. Completed at least the number of credits stipulated in the degree/certificate program. In cases where programs are revised and a course is no longer available, completion of the total number of credit hours required in the curriculum as listed in the catalog being followed is mandatory; however, an appropriate substitution may be made.
  8. Received in writing through all administrative channels approval for any deviation from the curriculum, as stated in the catalog being followed. Students are reminded that they may not receive credit for a lower-level course in a sequence after earning credit in the higher level course (for example, may not receive credit for MATH 118 after completing MATH 130). (See “Courses in Sequence,” above.)
  9. Made application for graduation by the deadlines published in the Academic Calendar.
  10. Fulfilled all other obligations and regulations including financial obligations to the College prior to established dates. Financial aid recipients who have student loans must attend an exit interview before they will be allowed to participate in graduation or receive their diplomas. Students should contact the office of Student Financial Assistance for details.
  11. Paid the appropriate graduation fee. A student who does not complete graduation requirements for the anticipated academic year must pay an additional graduation fee during the academic year in which he or she re-applies for graduation and meets the requirements.

Students who have completed program requirements but have not applied for graduation before registering for the final semester of attendance will have ten (10) years from the last semester of attendance to apply for graduation. A $100 late graduation fee will be charged. The degree will be awarded within the semester in which the student applies for graduation, and a program completion date will also be noted on the diploma.

Requirements for a Second Degree or Certificate

A student must meet all graduation requirements for the second degree or certificate and must earn at least an additional nine semester hours for a second certificate or 15 semester hours for a second associate degree in the second major. These hours cannot have been applied toward the first degree or first certificate. In addition, an official declaration of major must be on file in the Office of the Registrar by the 14th day of a semester and prior to applying for a second degree or certificate so that the appropriate catalog requirements can be determined.

In degree programs where there are several concentrations, a different concentration is not considered a second degree and a degree may not be earned twice. Options do qualify as separate degrees.

Students with Discontinued Major

Any student who has completed 50 percent of the required courses in a major that is no longer available may be allowed to transfer credits from another institution of higher education into Delgado Community College to complete the degree requirements. The student must complete the requirements within three years after the semester in which the program was discontinued. Students in discontinued majors will be allowed to complete their major at Delgado provided the necessary courses are offered at Delgado or through cross-enrollment, or if appropriate substitutes are approved and the student continues his or her enrollment without missing a fall or spring semester. Students will not be readmitted to complete discontinued majors.

Transfer and Re-Entry Students

In order to determine a student’s eligibility to enroll, and in order for an evaluation to be made and transfer credits applied toward graduation requirements, each regionally accredited institution attended must be noted on the Application for Admission to Delgado Community College. An official copy of each transcript must be on file in the Office of the Registrar. The transferring student may be required to provide Delgado Community College with a copy of the catalog from each of the other institutions attended by the student.

Graduation with Distinction Associate Degree Recipients

Students with the highest academic achievement are designated as Chancellor’s Honor Graduates. Their academic record must consist of (1) a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.8 on the college work attempted at all colleges attended (excluding work on which academic amnesty has been declared); (2) a minimum of 45 credit hours at Delgado Community College; and (3) completion of the final 15 semester hours in required courses at Delgado Community College.

In order to receive the distinction of Honor Graduate, the student’s academic record must consist of (1) a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 on the college work attempted at all colleges attended (excluding work on which academic amnesty has been declared); (2) a minimum of 45 semester hours at Delgado Community College; and (3) completion of 12 of the final 15 semester hours in required courses at Delgado Community College.

Credit From Non-Traditional Sources

Delgado Community College may award college credit for knowledge gained through reading, private study, and/or work experience. These credits are typically referred to as nontraditional credits and also include the award of credit from non-credit coursework.

The types of non-traditional credit available at Delgado are Advanced Placement, College Board AP Credit, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Credit Examinations, Career Tech Facilitation (formerly Tech Prep) Articulation Agreements, Life Experience Assessment Program (LEAP), Military Credits, Technical College Credit, Correspondence Credits, Credit for Non-Credit Coursework (through LEAP and/or Credit Examinations), and Non-Traditional credits from other institutions.

Specific policies and procedures have been established for the granting of college credit from non-traditional sources:

  1. A student must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program beyond the official 14th day of enrollment in order to request nontraditional credit. Credits may be requested only for courses that are offered by DCC.
  2. The non-traditional credit granting process must be requested and completed by the midterm of the semester in which it has been requested.
  3. All non-traditional credits must be awarded before or during the semester prior to graduation. All non-traditional credits awarded during the semester of graduation must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development.
  4. To qualify for graduation, twelve (12) of the final fifteen (15) hours of required coursework must be earned in courses taken at Delgado; therefore, only three (3) non-traditional credit hours may be earned after the student enrolls for any of the final 15 hours of credit toward a degree.
  5. Semester hours of credit earned through non-traditional sources are assigned a grade of “P”. No quality points are earned, and such credit is not added into the student’s grade point average. Non-traditional credits are identified on the student’s transcript as credit granted through nontraditional sources.
  6. A maximum of 24 semester credit hours may be awarded from non-traditional sources.
  7. Non-traditional credit cannot be awarded in a course that a student has previously completed or enrolled in at any college (excluding coursework completed before Academic Amnesty is declared for which the student earned a grade of “C” or higher).
  8. No more than one-third of credits needed in Required Major Courses (those courses which require a minimum grade of “C”) may be obtained from non-traditional sources.
  9. A student may not receive non-traditional credit in more than one course in a two-semester sequence or two courses in a four-semester sequence, with the exception of Advanced Placement.
  10. Students who plan to use credit from nontraditional sources to meet the degree requirements of other institutions should check the requirements of the receiving institution, as this type of credit is often reevaluated by the receiving institution.

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement refers to a college testing result that, once established criteria are met, allows first-semester freshmen and high school students enrolled in Career Tech/Dual Enrollment programs to receive college credits in certain English and mathematics courses without actually completing those courses. Such credit is contingent upon the submission of American College Testing (ACT) scores that (a) meet the College’s criteria and (b) are no more than five (5) years old. Additionally, first-time freshman students must request Advanced Placement credit before the completion of thirty academic credits at Delgado. Career Tech/Dual Enrollment students must request Advanced Placement credit within the semester of enrollment in the higher level course.

The general policies concerning credit from non-traditional sources are applicable.

Criteria for Advanced Placement:


A student who has an ACT score in English of 25 or higher may receive Advanced Placement credit in ENGL 101 if he/she completes ENGL 102 with a grade of “C” or higher.


  1. A student who has an ACT score in mathematics of 22-26 may receive Advanced Placement credit in MATH 118 if he/she completes MATH 128 or MATH130 with a grade of “C” or higher.
  2. A student who has an ACT score in mathematics of at least 27 may receive Advanced Placement credit in MATH 130 if he/she completes MATH 131 with a grade of “C” or higher.

College Board Advanced Placement Credit

Delgado Community College may grant nontraditional credit for College Board Advanced Placement Examinations, which are taken prior to the student’s high school graduation.

The first-semester student who has taken a College Board AP Credit exam must have scored at least 4 to receive appropriate course credit. AP credit is subject to review by the Division Dean or representative of the course and approval by the Director of Advising and Testing. A student may not receive credit toward a degree solely on the basis of an Advanced Placement test score. The student must request that an original transcript from the College Board be sent to the Office of Advising and Testing for evaluation. College Board AP Credit scores are valid for three years from the original test date.

When AP credit is considered for placement purposes, the placement decision is made by the Department Head.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Delgado Community College has been designated as a testing center for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Specific policies and procedures have been established for the granting of college credit from non-traditional sources:


  1. The general policies concerning credit from non-traditional sources are applicable.
  2. Prior to taking a CLEP examination, the student must check with the Division Dean or academic counselor of his/her major to confirm that the credit is applicable to the student’s major.
  3. The awarding of credit under CLEP is based upon two criteria.
  4. The standard scores recommended by the Commission on Educational Credit for the American Council on Education; and an essay graded by Delgado Community College faculty who teach in that subject area.
  5. Specific course credit (course title and hours credit) is awarded by the Registrar’s Office.
  6. Semester hours of credit earned by the CLEP examination are assigned a “P” grade. No quality points are earned. Such credit does not enter into grade point average computation.
  7. Students who wish to transfer CLEP credits to Delgado must request that official score reports be sent to the Director of the Office of Advising and Testing.

Credit Examinations

Any Delgado student who believes he/she is qualified by experience, previous training, or non-credit coursework may request credit by examination. A student who wishes to apply for credit by examination should contact the Division Dean of the student’s major. Specific policies and procedures have been established for the granting of college credit from nontraditional sources:


  1. The general policies concerning credit from non-traditional sources are applicable.
  2. A non-refundable fee of $10.00 per credit hour is charged prior to administration of the examination.
  3. Administration of Credit Examinations must be completed by midterm.
  4. To pass a Credit Examination, a student must demonstrate a minimum proficiency of 75% of all the competencies for the course.
  5. A student who intends to use credit by examination to meet degree requirements of another institution should check the requirements of the receiving institution.
  6. A student who wishes to take a Credit Examination for a by-passed course must take the examination by midterm of the semester in which the student is enrolled in the more advanced course.
  7. A student who fails to meet the minimum proficiency (75%) on the Credit Examination will be administratively dropped from the sequential or higher level course. No refund will be granted.
  8. Credit Examinations are approved by the Division Dean of the course and the Division Dean of the student’s major.
  9. Credit Examinations are available only in courses offered at Delgado Community College.
  10. A student may apply for credit by examination only twice in the same course.
  11. A student may not take a Credit Examination in a course in which he/she has been or is currently enrolled, or which he/she has completed at any college.
  12. A student who receives Academic Amnesty may request a Credit Examination for any course completed prior to receiving Academic Amnesty. A grade of “C” must have been earned in the course when it was taken prior to the granting of Academic Amnesty.
  13. A student may not take a Credit Examination for a course that he/she has audited.

NOTE: Credit Examination grades must be reported to the Registrar’s Office by the Division Dean of the course no later than two weeks after midterm of the Spring/Fall semester.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Title Of CLEP Exam DCC Course Credit Hours
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
History of the United States I
History of the United States II
Freshman College Composition*
Analysis and Interpretation of Literature*
American Literature*
English Literature*
French Language
Spanish Language
Educational Psychology, Intro. to
Psychology, Intro.
Sociology, Intro.
American Government
Mathematics, College
Algebra, College
Accounting, Principles of
Macroeconomics, Principles of
Microeconomics, Principles of
Marketing, Principles of
Management, Principles of
Information System and Computer Applications
HIST 101
HIST 102
HIST 205
HIST 206
ENGL 101
ENGL 205 or 206
ENGL 211 or 212
ENGL 221 or 222
FREN 101
SPAN 101
PSYC 235
PSYC 127
SOCI 151
POLI 180
MATH 120
MATH 128 or 130**
MATH 129 or 131**
MATH 221
BIOL 141
CHEM 141
ACCT 201
ECON 201
ECON 202
MARK 201
MANG 201
CMIN 201

Delgado Community College requires a minimum score of 50 to receive credit for any CLEP exam.

* These exams, in addition to the standard computerized portion, require essays to be written for credit.

** Check with the department head or dean to verify which course credit will be granted for this exam.

Career Tech Articulation Agreements

One of the primary goals of the Career Tech Articulation process is to provide a seamless transition for students from the secondary school systems to the community colleges and universities, and to avoid or minimize the duplication of instructional course work. Additionally, to facilitate the early completion of the student’s post secondary program of study, specific courses are articulated with respect to course outline, course content, and instructional strategy. Students enrolled in an articulated course in the 11th or 12th grade may earn college credit through the successful completion of a proficiency examination. In order to obtain college credit, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Student must meet all the prerequisite requirements for the designated articulated course.
  2. The Career Tech Statement of Intent Application must be completed at the high school.
  3. The student must pass the high school course with a grade of “C” or better.
  4. Students must demonstrate mastery by passing the Delgado Community College proficiency examination with a “C” or better for a designated articulated course.
  5. Credits earned by passing the proficiency examination are bankedat the community college until graduation from high school.
  6. Once a student earns 12 credit hours at Delgado Community College, the student must submit an Application for Career Tech Credit to the Registrar’s Office.
  7. College credits earned through the Career Tech Articulation Program are then posted to the student’s official college transcript.

For additional information regarding the Career Tech Articulation and Proficiency Examination policies, you may contact your high school guidance counselor or the Career Tech Coordinator at Delgado Community College at (504) 671-5463 or (504) 818-4656.

Life Experience Assessment Program (LEAP)

The central principle in the Life Experience Assessment Program is that what a student knows is more important than how the student acquired the knowledge. In this program, Delgado Community College (a) gives students the opportunity to report what they know, or can do, in terms that relate to given college courses and then (b) assesses their knowledge or competence in those areas. If the student can demonstrate knowledge and skills in certain areas comparable to what a college-trained student knows in these same areas, equal credit is awarded.

Specific policies and procedures have been established for the granting of college credit from non-traditional sources.


  1. The general policies concerning credit from non-traditional sources are applicable.
  2. LEAP credit is available only if the life experience warrants three (3) or more credit hours.
  3. A non-refundable fee of $20.00 per credit hour is charged for the evaluation process, which includes a portfolio and/or documentation and demonstration of competencies.
  4. For each applicant a review committee is established to verify that the student can demonstrate knowledge and skills in the requested area comparable to the knowledge and skills of a college-trained student in the same area.
  5. The LEAP review committee should consist of the Division Dean of the division from which credit is being requested, at least one faculty member with expertise in the relevant discipline, the Registrar’s designee, and any other expert or consultant deemed necessary to ensure fairness and equity to the student.
Avenues from which LEAP credit can be acquired Suggested methods of evaluation
  1. Structured course work from:
    • Vocational/technical educational programs.
    • Nursing and medical programs.
    • Non-accredited professional schools (art, secretarial, computers, etc.)
    • Military training courses
    • Enrichment seminars, workshops, and courses.
    • Non-credit coursework
  1. A portfolio validating content, contact hours, completion and/or grades if applicable.
  1. Work Experience (includes military experience)
  1. Through well documented portfolio and a demonstration of acquired competencies.

The portfolio should consist of documentation of the acquisition of those competencies deemed necessary for specific course content such as:

  • Awards
  • Course Content/Description (Credit or Non-credit) and Contact Hours
  • Drawings, Diagrams, Artwork, etc.
  • Work Experience Records and Job Description
  • Graduation Certificates
  • High School Co-op Work Experience Training Plan
  • Licensures/certifications
  • Narrative of Experiences
  • Letters of Recommendations/Testimony
  • Transcripts

Military Credits

Students who have earned credit through courses taken while in the Armed Services may apply for acceptance of these credits in the Admissions or Registrar’s Office.

Specific procedures have been established for the granting of college credit from nontraditional sources.

The general policies and procedures concerning credit from non-traditional sources are applicable.

In order for these credits to be evaluated, the student must:

  1. Complete a “Request for Course Recommendation” form for each service school course completed;
  2. Provide a DD Form 295, “Application for the Evaluation of Educational Experiences During Military Service” or “Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service”;
  3. Provide a DD Form 214, “Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge”; and
  4. Provide copies of any “Course Completion” certificates that the student has received, or other proof of having completed the course.

If these records are not available, the student should schedule an appointment with the Credential Evaluator in the Admissions Office (new students) or the Office Coordinator in the Registrar’s Office (currently enrolled students) to discuss alternative forms of documentation of credits earned.

Technical College Credit

Students who have attended a campus of the Louisiana Technical College since January 1992 may apply for credits based on work completed at the LTC prior to their enrolling at Delgado Community College. Faculty at Delgado Community College have reviewed the competencies included in these clock-hour courses and have established a crosswalk for the awarding of these credits. Specific procedures have been established for the granting of college credit from non-traditional sources:

Students who were enrolled at Louisiana Technical College in 1992 or later will be awarded credit based on their coursework at the LTC using the crosswalk established by the faculty in the various disciplines. These credits are being awarded using the non-traditional credit procedures in place at the College. These credits will be listed on the student’s Delgado academic transcript as “Technical College Credit”.

As with all non-traditional credit, all Technical College Credit will carry a grade of “P”. Specific grades are awarded only for courses transferred directly from another regionally accredited institution. Since the crosswalk for awarding credit from the LTC is based on competencies gained in more than one LTC course rather than on a course-to-course equivalency, it would be inappropriate to assign a letter grade for the credits awarded. Credits awarded are subject to the limitations on total hours of non-traditional credit and hours in a student’s major as listed in the College Catalog

Students who wish to avail themselves of this avenue for earning credits should complete the application form which is available in the Admissions Office. The form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Note: Students who were enrolled at the LTCNO on July 1, 1997, when the institution merged with Delgado Community College, will not be subject to the limits placed on the number of hours that can be earned and used to meet degree requirements through the nontraditional credit procedure.

Correspondence Credits

Delgado Community College offers no correspondence courses. Students who wish to use credit from correspondence courses taken at other regionally accredited institutions to meet degree or certificate requirements must receive the permission of their Division Dean and the Campus Provost prior to registering for the correspondence course. A maximum of three (3) hours of correspondence credit may be applied toward a certificate or degree. These hours count as part of the total hours of non-traditional credits applicable toward a degree or certificate.

No more than three (3) hours of credit earned through any non-traditional source (or at any other institution) may be used to fulfill the last 15 hours of coursework needed to complete a degree/certificate at Delgado.

Non-Traditional Credits From Other Institutions

Delgado Community College accepts nontraditional credits that have been awarded by other regionally accredited institutions. These credits have the same limitations in their use in meeting graduation requirements as do nontraditional credit earned at Delgado Community College and will be used in computing the total hours of non-traditional credit for which a student is eligible.