Mar 28, 2025  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Nursing – Registered Nursing, A.S.


Successful completion of the program qualifies the graduate to take the National Council Licensure Examination for state licensure as a Registered Nurse and to seek employment as a nurse in a first-level position in various health care settings. Graduates are prepared to continue study for a baccalaureate degree in nursing. The School of Nursing has full approval from the Louisiana State Board of Nursing (17373 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70810, 225-755-7500) and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN), 3433 Peachtree Road N.E., Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326, Phone (404) 975-5000.

To be eligible for admission to the Associate of Science degree program, a student must meet Delgado Community College admission requirements and the following additional criteria:

  1. A high school diploma or equivalent.
  2. Non-remedial (non-developmental) status in English and Math.
  3. A GPA of at least 2.5 in all non-nursing (required related or general education) courses.
  4. A Delgado Community College GPA of 2.0 (if applicable).
  5. An acceptable score on the pre-nursing exam. It may be taken on the City Park Campus in the Office of Advising and Testing in Building 2, Room 307. More information may be obtained in the Information Bulletin or on the Delgado Community College website.

The Louisiana State Board of Nursing reserves the right to deny a student admission to clinical nursing courses. A copy of the information required by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing is available in the Nursing Admissions Information Bulletin. Failure to meet these requirements can result in denial of admission to the clinical nursing courses. Please note that drug testing is required upon admission and/or at various times during the nursing program. A criminal history record and background check are required of all students in the nursing program.

A class is admitted each January and August. The program may be completed in a minimum of five semesters. This is a limited enrollment program with competitive admission. Admission is a function of the School of Nursing Admissions Committee.

Information may be obtained online at

Licensed Practical Nurses who wish to earn an Associate degree in Nursing have several options at Delgado Charity School of Nursing: (1) LPNs may seek application to the program as generic students who will proceed through the prescribed curriculum. (2) They may seek advanced placement and, if they meet the criteria, LPNs may “advance place” into the second semester of the nursing curriculum, NURS 125 and NURS 129. (3) Students who meet criteria may enroll in NURS 132: Transitions in Nursing: Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to Registered Nurse (RN). This is the accelerated option. Upon successful completion of NURS 132, the student may “advance place” into the third semester of the nursing curriculum. The last two options have specific requirements and admission timelines. To obtain information regarding either option, contact Delgado-Charity School of Nursing at 504-571-1270.

Transfer students from other nursing schools must meet admission and progression criteria at the time of application. Additionally, the student must be in good standing at the previous nursing program. Transfer students must provide a syllabus and course descriptions for all nursing courses previously taken.

Prerequisites to enrollment in first nursing course:

**Prerequisites(s): “C” or better in BIOL 141 and BIOL 143 or equivalent; or a composite ACT score of 22 or higher and passed biology in high school with a grade of “B” or better; or passing score on the Biology Placement Exam.

Students who elect to take Anatomy and Physiology II lecture and lab prior to enrolling in nursing courses must have completed both courses within five years of enrollment in the first clinical nursing course.


Required grade of  “C” or higher in all program courses required for degree. Prerequisites to each clinical nursing course include: completion of a Health Care Provider CPR Course renewed every two years and valid through each semester of enrollment, completion of immunizations, and documentation of student nurse liability insurance.


Required grade of “C” or higher in all program courses required for degree.  Six credit hours of college-level math are required. Suggested math courses are MATH 120  and MATH 203 .  To facilitate transferability to some baccalaureate nursing programs, math at the level of 130 or higher is recommended. See General Education Requirements , for approved Fine Arts courses and Humanities courses.




See Graduation Requirements .

Students planning to pursue a baccalaureate program should contact that receiving institution for determination of course transferability. See a listing of Delgado courses designed for transfer and not designed for transfer.

Suggested Sequence

First Semester

Total: 16 Credit Hours

**Prerequisites to Enrollment

Total: 14 Credit Hours

Total: 16 Credit Hours

Total: 13 Credit Hours

Fifth Semester

Total: 13 Credit Hours