Feb 17, 2025  
2017 Summer Student Handbook 
2017 Summer Student Handbook [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Payment & Financial Information


Payment Deadlines

Upon registration, all tuition and registration fees must be paid in full to secure classes. Alternatively, classes may also be secured with confirmed financial aid, enrollment in a payment plan through Delgado’s contracted vendor, or by having an exemption or contract applied to the account. Classes that remain unsecured by the established due dates published in the Student Handbook are subject to being deleted for non-payment.


Payment in full or other arrangements to secure classes must be made by:

  • Regular Registration Deadline - Friday, May 26, 2017 by 3 p.m. in person or by Sunday May 28, 2017 by 12 noon if paying online.
  • Late Registration Deadline #1 - Friday, June 2 by 4 p.m. in person or by Sunday, June 4, 2017 by 12 noon if paying online.
  • Close of business each day in person or 8 p.m. if paying online June 5 through June 9.
  • Final Census Payment deadline June 12 at 2 p.m. 

Payment Options

Payment In-Person

Pay by cash, personal check, money order, or cashier’s check (in-person credit card payments are not accepted) at the Bursar’s Office. Students can only enroll and pay for Payment Plan online.

Online Payments

Avoid long lines by paying tuition with a credit card via the Web at my.lctcs.edu. Delgado welcomes American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA for online payment.

  • Students may pay online with a check.  There is no fee for this service.
  • Students choosing to pay with a credit card will be assessed a 2.75 percent convenience fee at the time of payment.

  • No credit cards will be accepted in person.

Payment by Mail

Make checks payable to “Delgado Community College” and mail to:

City Park Campus
615 City Park Avenue, Building 2, Room 104
New Orleans, LA 70119

Mailed payments must be RECEIVED by the appropriate deadline. You should allow 14 days for delivery prior to the deadline. To ensure proper crediting to your account, write your student ID number on the bottom left of the check. Improperly completed checks may be returned to you unprocessed and will not be posted to your account.

Payment Plan


Delgado has an established contract with a third-party vendor, CashNet, to provide a payment plan (“The Plan”) to help ease the burden of paying for college. To participate and enroll in in The Plan, students must enroll in a Fall or Spring Semester or Summer Session at Delgado Community College. The Plan allows students to pay for tuition and fees through monthly installment payments throughout the semester/session. The number of monthly installments is determined by the date of enrollment and the final payment due date. The final payment due date of the Summer 2017 Session is July 1, 2017.

The terms of the payment plan are as follows:

  • Student must not have any past due balances.
  • First payment is due upon enrollment.
  • All enrollment in the payment plan is done online through LoLA – my.lctcs.edu.
  • As a condition of enrollment, student must provide bank routing and account numbers or credit card information for auto-draft of future payments.
  • A non-refundable fee of $30 will be charged upon enrollment in the plan. This rate is set by and paid directly to the vendor.
  • Other fees may apply. Please read all Terms and Conditions when enrolling in plan.
  • Payments made outside of the payment plan will not secure classes from a purge for non-payment.

Waiver of Tuition

Students may receive a waiver of base tuition and applicable fees if they are active National Guard members, New Orleans police officers or fire fighters, dependents of a disabled or deceased in the line of duty police officer, firefighter or military personnel, or full-time students cross-enrolled from UNO, SUNO, SLU, NCC. If you believe you may qualify for a tuition waiver, please submit documents to verify eligibility to the Accounts Receivable Office at the City Park Campus or the Bursar’s Office at the location you attend.

Senior Citizens: Tuition is waived for Louisiana residents 60 years and over for one three-credit-hour course each semester/session (no auditing or non-credit). 

Please note: Students who qualify for waiver must visit the Bursar’s Office each term to have it applied to their account.

Adjustment of Tuition

For students reducing their credit hours or officially withdrawing from the College, all or a portion of their refundable tuition may be credited to their student account according to a tuition adjustment schedule published each semester/session in the Student Handbook. The portion (percentage) is an adjustment to the tuition the student is assessed for the semester/session, not a refund of what the student has already paid. If a credit balance remains after all tuition and fees due are deducted from any payment that have been applied, the balance will be returned to the student automatically. 

Students must complete the drop/withdrawal process before the posted deadlines to qualify for a reduction in amounts owed. Registration fees are only adjusted if the student reduces hours or withdraws through the 100% refund period. Students who wish to appeal the tuition adjustment (or lack thereof) must complete a “Refund Request Form” which can be found online. The completed form plus any relevant support documents (such as a letter stating the reasons the student feels he or she is entitled to a tuition adjustment) must be submitted the Bursar’s Office.

Nonattendance does not constitute withdrawal. Students must withdraw from the College prior to the stated deadlines if they decide not to attend. Students who do not submit a drop request or drop course(s) online may have a financial obligation to the College regardless of attendance.



100% Tuition Adjustment

50% Tuition Adjustment

No Tuition Adjustment

Summer 2017 Session

Through June 6

June 7 - 12

After June 12

If a credit balance remains after all tuition and fees due are deducted from any payments that have been applied, the balance will be returned to the student automatically.


Delgado Community College has partnered with Higher One to deliver refunds to students. Upon your first semester/session of enrollment, you will receive a lime green envelope in the mail from BankMobile (formerly HigherOne) containing your Refund Selection Kit. 

Your Refund Selection Kit will contain a unique Personal Code with is the key to selecting your refund choice. You will have the option to deposit your refund to a OneAccount or have it deposited directly to your own bank account. You must follow the directions included in the mailing to either activate your account or set up a direct deposit. Please be on the lookout for it and don’t mistake it for junk mail. Delgado will NOT issue refund checks, so students MUST use the Refund Selection Kit and/or Personal Code to select a refund preference. 

For more information on refunds and BankMobile (formerly HigherOne) see Refund Questions on the Delgado website.

Delinquent Accounts / Violation of Payment Deadlines

Any balance remaining after published payment deadlines (but before classes are removed from the system) may cause a $30 non-refundable deferment fee to be assessed to the student’s account. Failure to honor payment plan dates or pay any balance in full by the end of the term may result in the account being placed with the State of Louisiana Attorney General’s Office or another outside agency for collection. Students will be responsible for all collection and/or legal fees associated with accounts placed for collection. Holds that restrict registration, viewing of grades, and/or graduation will be placed on all accounts with a balance remaining after the last scheduled payment date.  

Student’s Responsibility

When students register for any class at Delgado Community College or receive any service from Delgado Community College, they are making a financial commitment to pay all tuition, fees and other associated charges assessed as a result of their enrollment and/or receipt of service. The student’s registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement [i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an education loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8)] in which Delgado Community College is providing the student educational services, deferring some or all of the student’s payment obligation for those services, and the student promises to pay for all assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date.

By providing a telephone number, email, or other contact information, the student authorizes Delgado Community College and its agents to contact the student using the information provided by any means of communication, including but not limited to, calls placed to the cellular phone using an automated dialing service and calls using prerecorded messages and/or SMS text messages, regarding any past, current or future financial or academic record (or critical College business) held by Delgado and its agents. The student consents to all forms of contact, even if the student is charged by his or her service provider(s) for receiving such communications. 

If the student drops or withdraws from some or all of the classes for which he or she registers, the student is responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition adjustment schedule located in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. The student accepts the terms and conditions of the published tuition adjustment schedule and understand those terms are incorporated herein by reference. The student’s failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve the student of financial responsibility as described above.

The following Terms and Conditions, in addition to the disclosures provided above, outline the student’s Registration Agreement with Delgado Community College.

  1. Once a student formally registers for classes, the student assumes the responsibility for understanding all Delgado’s official policies as described in the current Delgado Community College Catalog and Student Handbook, which include but are not limited to policies concerning schedule changes, satisfactory academic progress and the financial policies of the College.
  2. Withholding of services: If a student has any outstanding obligations with any college in the Louisiana Community and Technical College System, Delgado reserves the right to withhold future services including but not limited to registration, transcript requests, issuing diplomas, use of facilities, and other services as deemed appropriate by the College.
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to check his/her Delgado email address daily and maintain a current postal address to ensure receipt of all College correspondence.
  4. The student consents to receive email notifications to his/her Delgado email address regarding the availability of an E–Bill (Electronic Billing Statement) and consents to review billing statement information on Delgado’s web payment system.
  5. Registration constitutes a financial agreement between the student and Delgado Community College. Tuition, fees and other charges the student incurs, including but not limited to testing charges, course specific fees, fines and bookstore charges shall be added to the student’s account.
  6. Delgado accepts payment via student financial aid and third-party sponsorship, but the responsibility for payment remains with the student. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor his/her account balance and any funding sources. If financial aid is not granted or if third party sponsors do not pay within a reasonable period, the student will be required to pay the full amount due.
  7. Charges left unpaid for prior terms may result in disenrollment from the student’s current semester/session’s courses unless payment arrangements are made prior to payment deadlines.
  8. Failure to pay outstanding student account balances by the stated due dates may result in late payment fees as outlined in the Student Handbook.
  9. In the event the student becomes delinquent in paying charges or defaults in repaying charges, the debts may be transferred to the State of Louisiana Attorney General’s Office, the Louisiana Office of Debt Recovery, or another external agency for collection.  All collection fees incurred shall be at the expense of the student which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 331/3%.
  10. If Delgado prevails in a lawsuit to collect on the student’s financial obligation, the student will be responsible to pay Delgado’s court costs, collection fees and attorney’s fees in an amount the court finds to be reasonable.