Sep 28, 2024  
2021 Spring Student Handbook 
2021 Spring Student Handbook [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Dropping Courses or Withdrawing from the College

Each student is responsible for dropping classes or withdrawing from College if he/she is unable to complete the course(s). Failure to do so may lead to a lower or failing grade in a course and an outstanding financial obligation. Students may drop classes or withdraw from College in accordance with the Dropping Classes/Withdrawing from College procedures outlined in the current College Catalog. In addition, students may request reinstatement into a dropped class through the Reinstatement Procedures as outlined in the current College Catalog.

Delgado is a non-attendance* taking institution for the purposes of Return of Title IV Funds regulations (*with the exception of online courses and programs that are required by an external agency to have attendance taken). See the current College Catalog sections on Return of Title IV Funds and Attendance.

Students are responsible for all course content and are responsible for understanding course-specific attendance policies and should plan accordingly as listed in the course syllabi. Failure to do so may lead to a lower or failing grade in a course and an outstanding financial obligation.

A student is responsible for dropping classes or withdrawing from College if he/she is unable to complete the course(s). Failure to officially drop a course or withdraw from the College may result in the student receiving an “F” in the course. Instructors will continue to be required to drop a student for “non-attendance” prior to Census class day, but after the Census day, students must drop classes/withdraw from College themselves. 

Sometimes, things happen that may prevent a student from completing a semester after classes start. It is our hope at Delgado Community College that you enjoy a full growth experience during the approaching school year. In light of the possibility that an emergency may prevent you from completing your intended studies, you need to be aware of the financial impact a withdrawal from Delgado can cause.

Tuition Adjustment Information before the Census Day 

A tuition adjustment is an adjustment in the amount of tuition owed by a student to Delgado Community College.  This will take place if a student elects to withdraw before the official Census class day. Adjustments to tuition will be made according to the below schedule regardless of the date of your registration (or late registration). Students who register after the 100 percent tuition adjustment period ends and then drop a course or withdraw will receive a tuition adjustment in accordance with the dates on which they dropped. Registration fees are non-refundable after the 100% adjustment period. There are no tuition adjustments made after the Census class day. Students will owe Delgado Community College the full amount of tuition and fees applied to the students’ accounts.

Semester / Term

Spring 2021 

Spring 2021
Term A

Spring 2021
Term AB

Spring 2021
Term B

Minisession 1
Spring 2021
Minisession 2
Spring 2021

Start Date

January 16

January 19

March 16

March 16

February 22 March 29 May 15

100% Tuition Adjustment

Through January 27

Through January 21

Through January 27

Through March 19

Through February 23 Through March 30 Through May 17

50% Tuition Adjustment

January 28 - February 2

January 22 - 26

January 28 - February 2

March 20 - 23

February 24 March 31 May 18

No Tuition Adjustment

After February 2

After January 26

After February 2

After March 23

After February 24 After March 31 After May 18

After tuition adjustment period, students are responsible for full tuition and fee rates, regardless of withdrawal or attendance.

If you paid out-of-pocket for classes and you are due money from dropping or withdrawing, a credit balance (negative balance) will appear within 24 - 48 hours. All refunds will begin processing after the official Census class day.

Census Date and Financial Aid Eligibility

In accordance with federal regulations, the Office of Financial Aid will recalculate Federal and State aid based on the enrollment status as of the census date set by the College. The census date is the point at which your enrollment is locked, and it can be found on the Academic Calendar located in the current Catalog. Federal Pell Grant funds may be available to students enrolled less than half-time. See year round Pell for exceptions.

Awards that are affected by the census date are:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • GO Grant

Note: Direct loans are recalculated prior to disbursement.

If You Received Financial Aid and Have Withdrawn from the College

The Title IV financial aid you receive from the federal government is for use while you are a student. Title IV financial aid includes Pell Grant, SEOG Grants, Subsidized Stafford Loan, Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, or a Parent Plus Loan. If you received federal student aid from any of the above programs, and you withdraw from school, some of that money might have to be given back to the source by you or by Delgado Community College. If you don’t finish your coursework, you’ll have to repay the loan funds you received, plus any student loan funds your school has returned to your lender. This process is referred to as Return of Title IV.

Dropping All Classes - To avoid financial penalties and aid adjustments, make sure you drop all classes prior to the beginning of the semester. If you drop all classes prior to the start of the semester, you will not be considered a student for that semester and, thus, not entitled to receive any form of financial aid. Your aid will be canceled and returned to the appropriate program(s). If you drop all your classes (withdraw) close to the beginning of the semester, and you have already received financial aid, you will be required to repay the entire amount of aid disbursed to you. Once the semester starts on the first day, you have begun to earn aid and a Return of Title IV Aid calculation must be completed.

If you withdraw or stop attending classes before the 60% point of a semester, you will have to repay a portion of the aid you received because it was not earned. For more information, please visit the Return of Title IV Funds page in the Catalog.