Delgado Concurrent and Dual Enrollment Programs for High School Students

High school students may meet requirements for college admission if they fall into one of the following categories: dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, or summer enrollment. As these students are enrolled in high schools in the state of Louisiana, all dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and summer enrollment students are classified as Louisiana residents for tuition purposes.
Dual Enrollment
A dual enrollment student is a high school sophomore, junior, or senior who has been admitted to Delgado to earn college credits and Carnegie units while still in high school. Freshmen may be considered for dual enrollment in special circumstances. High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors are limited to eighteen (18) credit hours during the fall and spring semesters [nine (9) credit hours during summer session] if eligibility requirements are met.
In accordance with Louisiana Department of Education provisions, the high school agrees that the dual enrollment student will also earn Carnegie units.
The Delgado Dual Enrollment Program provides an opportunity for high school students to start college while still attending high school. Students have greater access to a wide variety of rigorous academic and technical courses and can earn college credit for the courses they successfully complete. By earning college credit while still in high school, the student saves money and time on achieving a college degree and experiences a more seamless transition into college. Careers today demand more knowledge, critical thinking skills, and higher levels of technical education. Additionally, to compete in the global economy, a minimum of two years of college is necessary to meet the demands of industry and to earn a livable wage.
The Delgado Dual Enrollment Program prepares students to become tomorrow’s leaders through a rigorous and relevant curriculum that stresses high academic achievement. Students are prepared more effectively for higher education through their participation in “Career Clusters” and “Cohort Classes” that link high school coursework to advanced technical programs in the community or technical colleges and which may transfer to a baccalaureate program. Ideally, students will also develop the qualifications and certifications necessary to obtain employment in high demand professional careers.
In accordance with Louisiana Department of Education provisions, students eligible for this program may also be eligible for the Louisiana Tops Tech Early Start Funding, which pays for tuition for up to six (6) credit hours per semester; however, students are responsible for all remaining balances associated with tuition, student fees, books and/or transportation.
Students wishing to take courses that transfer to other colleges (Courses listed on the Articulation Matrix) must meet the Board of Regents Academic Affairs Policy 2.22 and meet the course(s) of interest’s prerequisite and/or corequisite requirements for entry into those courses.
Dual enrollment students, as per the Louisiana Board of Regents, must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Minimum high school grade point average of 2.5 to initiate and/or continue dual enrollment; and
- Minimum ACT Composite score of 19, English sub-score of 18, and Math sub-score of 19.
The following eligibility requirements implemented by the Louisiana Board of Regents for the 2021-2022 academic school year, due to COVID 19, have been extended for the 2022-2025 academic school years.
Students wishing to initiate or continue their participation in dual enrollment for the 2022-2025 academic years may be eligible to enroll in academic courses on the Master Articulation Matrix if they meet the following criteria:
- A minimum 2.5 cumulative high school GPA, as determined by the high school, including any GPA adjustments made due to disruptions in learning; AND
- Subject-specific demonstration of readiness in Mathematics (for mathematics and science courses) or English (for English, foreign language, history, social science, humanities, or arts survey courses) through either:
- Subject-specific minimum scores on any assessment listed in Academic Affairs Policy 2.22 (listed below)
- Counselor recommendation based on overall student performance and grade trends in the subject (see table below)
86 Sent Structure |
65 (Elem Alg)
40 (Col-Level Math)*
250 Writing |
250 QAS |
*For College Algebra: ≥ 70 Accuplacer College-Level Math; ≥ 263 Accuplacer NG (QRAS) or ≥ 250 (AAF) are recommended
433 |
431 |
245 |
265 |
Pre-ACT |
18 |
19 |
Pre-SAT |
25WL |
500 |
English II: 740 |
Algebra I 760 or Geometry 750 |
LEAP 2025 |
English II: Mastery or above |
Geometry: Mastery or above (for enrollment in non-algebraic Gen Ed Math)
Geometry: Mastery or above and completion of Algebra II w/ C or better for enrollment in College Algebra
18 |
19 |
500 ERW |
510 Math |
Students wishing to take Technical/Work Skills courses (Courses NOT on the Articulation Matrix) must have at minimum a 2.0 Grade Point Average and meet the prerequisite and/or corequisite requirement of the course(s) of interest for entry into those courses.
Eligibility Requirements for Students utilizing Louisiana TOPS Tech Early Start Funding for Tuition
Dual enrollment students must meet the following eligibility requirements for Louisiana TOPS Tech Early Start Funding:
- Have written recommendation from the high school principal and parental approval on the completed concurrent/dual enrollment approval form;
- Have maintained a “C” or higher average on all work pursued (six semesters) in high school (2.0 GPA);
- Have a minimum score of 15 on the ACT Composite and English and Math portions of the PreACT, ACT Aspire, or the ACT (or the equivalent concordant value on the SAT or a Silver Level score on the ACT WorkKeys assessment) and/or have taken the Delgado Placement Assessment;
- Have completed the Delgado Dual/Concurrent Enrollment Application;
- Have provided a copy of standardized test scores;
- Have provided a copy of transcript if not available through the Student Transcript System (for private, parochial and home school applicants); and
- Have provided a proof/waiver of state-required immunization compliance if attending classes on campus.
To continue enrollment for subsequent semesters, the student must have successfully completed the dual enrollment course with a college grade of A, B, C, or P, and must have a recommendation from the principal and parental approval to continue.
Dual enrollment students are subject to the dual enrollment provisions outlined in the college catalog in effect at the time of Delgado enrollment.
Interested students should contact their high school counselor or dual enrollment office for an application, deadlines, and specific information on eligibility to TOPS Tech Early Start funding.
The following documents are required:
- Delgado Dual Enrollment/TOPS Tech Early Start Application and Delgado Community College’s online application (both can be found at the Dual Enrollment webpage).
- ACT scores (if taken)
- Copy of transcript if not available through the Student Transcript System
- If applicable, copy of Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Approved Home Study Program Approval letter
- Have provided proof/waiver of state-required immunization compliance if attending classes on campus.
Concurrent Enrollment
A concurrent enrollment student is a high school sophomore, junior, or senior who has been admitted to Delgado to earn college credits and may also earn Carnegie units while still in high school. Freshmen may be considered for concurrent enrollment in special circumstances. The student may receive Carnegie units, as determined by the high school.
Students applying for admission under this category will be responsible for tuition, all applicable fees, and books. High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors are limited to eighteen (18) credit hours during the fall and spring semesters nine (9) credit hours during summer session) if eligibility requirements are met.
Concurrent enrollment students must meet the same eligibility requirements as Dual Enrollment students. Please refer to the Dual Enrollment Eligibility Section.
To continue enrollment in subsequent semesters, students must have successfully completed the concurrent enrollment course, with a college grade of A, B, C, or P, and must have a recommendation from the principal and parental approval on the concurrent enrollment form. Concurrent enrollment students are subject to the concurrent enrollment provisions outlined in the College Catalog in effect at the time of Delgado enrollment.

Home School and Private School Students
College classes are available to home school and private school students. The students follow the same dual enrollment requirements.
Summer Enrollment
A summer enrollment student is a high school sophomore, junior, or senior who has been admitted to Delgado to earn college credits and may also earn Carnegie units while still in high school during the summer. Students applying for admission under this category will be responsible for tuition, all applicable fees, and books. High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors are limited to nine (9) credit hours during the summer session.
Summer enrollment students are subject to the concurrent enrollment provisions outlined in the college catalog in effect at the time of Delgado enrollment.
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Kendrick Johnson
Visit the Dual Enrollment webpage.