Student Grievance Procedures
College Process
Students are encouraged to resolve complaints informally and use the formal student grievance procedure as a last resort. The online Student Complaint Form is available on the College’s website. A student wishing to file a complaint should submit the form and follow the instructions contained in the College’s policy on Student Grievance Procedures. If the student’s complaint is not satisfied through the established mediation procedures, as applicable, the student may have the option to continue with the College’s formal student grievance process.
State Agency Contact and Complaint Information
Louisiana Community and Technical College System
Students who have a complaint about the College may contact the Louisiana Community and Technical College System, the authorized state agency to address complaints regarding LCTCS institutions, which may be contacted at (225) 922-2800 or visit
Louisiana Board of Regents
For academic degree-granting institutions, Louisiana Board of Regents relies on the Consumer Affairs Division of the Attorney General’s Office, which may be contacted at (225) 326-6200 or visit
Distressed Students
It is the responsibility of students to conduct themselves in a manner fitting an academic environment. Most student behaviors that are exhibited can be handled by faculty and staff at the time of the incident utilizing the student judicial process; however, some incidences may not be of a judicial nature. In some instances, student behavior is solely due to acute personal issues or mental health challenges. Furthermore, some situations may require an immediate emergency response, and Campus Police are the first responders. While in most cases, the exercise of good sense and judgment prevail, the College also has established Behavioral Intervention Team Procedures to assist distressed students.
The purpose of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is to supplement and support the existing system in determining proper course of action for distressed persons who pose a threat to self or others. At Delgado, the Behavioral Intervention Team also assists the Office of Student Life staff in determining which course of action should be recommended to assist and support students in their time of distress.
The objectives of the Behavioral Intervention Team Procedures enable and empower the accomplishment of the following goals:
- To balance the educational, social, psychological, physical, and emotional needs of the person and the College’s mission;
- To intervene early and provide support and response to persons who display varying levels of behaviors;
- To respond with support first and sanctions as a last resort;
- To respond with individualized assessment the recommendations for assessment or mandated assessment to assist in determining the potential for violent, homicidal and/or suicidal behaviors while avoiding stigmatizing mental health issues and stereotype-based profiling;
- To enable adherence to a formalized protocol of instructions for communication, coordination and intervention;
- To balance FERPA, HIPAA and ethical and moral standards with the College’s need-to-know and emergency communication needs;
- To centralize the process for collection and assessment of referrals initiated by a person’s behavior and recognize interactional patterns of concern involving someone that may be known to various faculty/staff and administrators;
- To engage faculty and staff in effective response with respect to the above;
- To coordinate follow-up to ensure that services, support and resources are deployed effectively; and
- To follow up as appropriate with psychological assessment, conduct actions, disability services, accommodations, hospitalization and withdrawal, as needed, balancing that which is in the best interest of the person and the College.
Distressed students should be referred through the online Student Referral Form unless there is an emergency. If there is an emergency, contact Campus Police at (504) 671-6111. For guidance, consult the Distressed Student Decision Tree, which can be found here.
Drug Free Campus Policy
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) requires the College to adopt and implement a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. This program must include the following:
- Standards of conduct concerning the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, and the illegal use of alcohol by students and employees on College property or at any College activity;
- Description of legal sanctions;
- Clear statement of the College’s sanctions for violations;
- Description of any available drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation services; and
- Description of the health risks associated with use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol.
The information below is in compliance with the requirements of the Act.
In an effort to assure compliance with Public Law 101-226, all facilities of Delgado Community College are designated as Drug Free Zones. The College abides by all state, federal, and local laws pertaining to alcohol and will enforce underage drinking laws. It is unlawful to possess, use, or distribute illicit drugs on Delgado property or at any college-sponsored event, whether or not the event occurs on campus. In addition, Delgado prohibits the consumption, possession, or distribution of alcohol on campus, except as designated in the College’s Alcoholic Beverages at Student Functions policy.
Alcohol and drug use is a major issue in the community and on college campuses. Alcohol and drugs can seriously damage physical and mental health, as well as jeopardize personal and public safety. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption may lead to physical abuse, date rape, auto accidents, violence, and other behaviors that lead to self-destruction.
The College provides referral services and other assistance to students, faculty, and staff who seek help with substance abuse problems. Students, faculty or staff seeking help with substance abuse problems should be referred through the online Referral Form.
College Sanctions
Violations of the college drug policy by students, faculty, or staff will result in disciplinary action, as outlined in Delgado’s Drug-Free College policy. Depending on the nature of the offense, this can take the form of a written reprimand, suspension, demotion, reduction in pay, or termination of the person’s association with Delgado. Penalties for faculty and staff members may include termination of employment. Disciplinary actions against students will be imposed in accordance with the College’s Student Judicial Code, and may include suspension or expulsion. As with all illegal activities, substance abuse can result in criminal prosecution as well, under state and federal laws, including section 22 of the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law of 101- 226).
Legal Sanctions
It is unlawful in Louisiana to produce, manufacture, distribute, dispense, or possess illegal drugs. The most common illegal drugs on college campuses are marijuana, opium derivatives, hallucinogens, depressants, cocaine, cocaine derivatives, and amphetamines. The Criminal Code of Louisiana carries specific penalties for the possession and use of illegal drugs. Louisiana Revised Statute 40:981.3, Violation of Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law; Drug Free Zone, states that any person who violates a provision of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law (Louisiana Revised Statute 40:966-970) while on any property used for school purposes by any school, within two thousand feet of any such property, or while on a school bus, shall, upon conviction, be punished by the imposition of the maximum fine and be imprisoned for not more than one and one-half times the longest term of imprisonment authorized by the applicable provisions of R.S. 40:966 through 970 of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law.
It is also unlawful in Louisiana for anyone under 21 years of age to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverages for any reason, in any place open to the public. Exceptions occur when the alcohol is possessed or consumed for the following reasons: for established religious purposes; for medical purposes when prescribed by a licensed authority; when an 18-20 year old is accompanied by a parent, spouse, or legal guardian at least 21 years of age; in private residences or private clubs or establishments when lawfully employed by a licensed enterprise for the lawful sale, handling, transport or dispensing of alcoholic beverages. In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 14:98, Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated, driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal in Louisiana, and anyone with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or above will be charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI).
Weapons on Campus Policy
In accordance with LRS 14:95.2, with the exception of duly authorized law enforcement officers, carrying a firearm or dangerous weapon, by anyone on College property, at College-sponsored functions, or in a firearm-free zone is unlawful, and violators shall be subject to criminal charges and College discipline. Although Louisiana Revised Statute 32:292.1 allows for a person who lawfully possesses a firearm to transport it on campus in a locked, privately-owned vehicle in any parking lot, parking garage, or other designated parking area, Campus Police must be contacted prior to transport to determine the firearm’s compliance with this legislation. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors who are aware of a weapon brought to the College must immediately notify the Campus Police Department at (504) 671-6112.
Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (Sec. 513 of P.L. 93- 380, Education Amendments of 1974, which amends the General Education Provisions Act Sec. 438), postsecondary students attending Delgado Community College have access to their official records as follows:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights.
- The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that the Act and the regulations authorize disclosure without consent.
- The right to file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the requirements of the Act and the regulations.
- The right to obtain a copy of the institution’s student record policy.
Under this Act, Delgado Community College assumes that all students are independent. Parents of dependent students must prove such dependence through the presentation of the latest 1040 form filed with the IRS before they will be granted access to any student record of their dependent. The Act provides that certain information, designated as directory information, concerning the student may be released by the College unless the student has informed the College that such information should not be released.
Directory information includes the student’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, date of enrollment, division in which enrolled, full or part-time status, classification, major, degree(s) earned, awards, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height (of members of athletic teams), and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended. A student who desires that any or all of the above listed information not be released must notify the Office of the Registrar.
Requests for further information should be made to the Office of the Registrar.
Solomon Amendment and FERPA
The Solomon Amendment (10 U.S.C. § 983) is a federal law that allows military recruiters to access some address, biographical and academic program information on students age 17 and older who have not filed any FERPA restrictions.
The Department of Education has determined the Solomon Amendment supersedes most elements of FERPA. An institution is therefore obligated to release data included in the list of “student recruiting information,” which may or may not match Delgado’s FERPA directory definition list. However, if the student has submitted a Request to Prevent or Allow Disclosure of Directory Information form through the Registrar’s Office to restrict the release of their Directory Information, then no information from the student’s education record will be released as specified in the Solomon Amendment.
The following is a list of information that may be released to military recruiters pursuant to the Solomon Amendment:
1. Name,
2. Address,
3. Telephone,
4. Age or date of birth,
5. Place of birth
6. Level of education,
7. Academic major,
8. Degrees received,
9. Educational institution in which the student was most recently enrolled.
Procedure for releasing information to military recruiter:
- Under the Solomon amendment, information will be released for military recruitment purposes only. The military recruiters may request student recruitment information once each term or semester for each of the 12 eligible units within the five branches of the service:
a. Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard
b. Navy, Navy Reserve
c. Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve
d. Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air Force National Guard
e. Coast Guard, Coast Guard Reserve
- The request must be submitted in writing on letterhead clearly identifying the unit of service requesting the student recruitment information to
- The request should specify whether the information needed is for the current or previous semester.
Requested information will be provided in an Excel file as an e-mail attachment.
Withholding Directory Information
Delgado Community College does not normally disclose directory information. However, at its discretion, the College may provide directory information in accordance with the provision of the Family Educational rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, to include: the student’s name, local and home address, telephone number, email address, date and place of birth, photographs, dates of enrollment and full or part time status, schedule of classes, division in which enrolled, major field of study and classification, degrees earned awards and honors received and respective dates, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams and recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.
Students may request non-disclosure of this directory information and the request forms can be completed at the Office of the Registrar located on the second floor of Bldg. 2, Rm. 202W.
If you instruct Delgado to withhold your directory information, Delgado will decline all future requests from non-Delgado individuals or organizations for your information unless Delgado is legally required to disclose it, such as to authorized federal, state, and local authorities or in response to a judicial order or valid subpoena. Your directory information will still be accessible internally by authorized Delgado employees.
BEFORE SIGNING THE FORM, please consider the consequences of withholding your directory information. For example, Delgado would be unable to verify your degree, major, or enrollment for possible employment, non-Delgado scholarships, insurance purposes, apartment leases, etc. You may instruct Delgado to withhold your directory information at any time by completing and submitting the Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information form to the Registrar’s Office. Delgado will honor your instruction until you submit the Request for Revocation of Non-Disclosure of Directory Information form to the Registrar’s Office. If you instruct Delgado to withhold your directory information, Delgado will not contact you for permission to release your directory information and assumes no liability for honoring your instruction to withhold information if a request for verification request has been submitted on your behalf.
If you have any questions, please visit the College’s nearest Registrar’s Office or email
Student Code of Conduct
In order to ensure that all students are familiar with their rights and responsibilities, Delgado Community College publishes policy and procedures information on the College’s website. Student rights and responsibilities are also listed in each semester’s Student Handbook, the current College Catalog, and on the Office of Student Life web page under Judicial Affairs.
Student Rights
In order to preserve and to guarantee students of Delgado Community College those conditions indispensable to the full achievement of the objectives of higher education in a free democratic society, the College holds the following rights essential to the development of students as individuals and to the fulfillment of their responsibilities as members of society:
A. The right of every person to be considered for admission to Delgado Community College and to participate equally in all College offerings, programs and activities without regard to race, color, religious or political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, national origin, age, disability/handicap or marital status or veteran’s status, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, and the sickle cell trait;
B. The right to form and participate in campus, local, national, or international organizations for intellectual, religious, social, political, economic or cultural purposes when such organizations do not infringe upon the rights of others;
C. The right individually or in association with others, to engage freely in off-campus activities, provided they do not claim to represent the College;
D. The right to issue official student publications following the procedures set forth by the College;
E. The right to form and maintain democratic student governance;
F. The right to use campus facilities, provided the facilities are used for the purpose contracted subject to the approval of the appropriate college official;
G. The right of students to invite and hear speakers of their choice subject to the approval of the appropriate college official;
H. The right to address concerns in course scheduling, curriculum, or faculty through proper channels;
I. The right to due process in all disciplinary matters and the right to appeal to the proper authority or committee;
J. The right to have faculty who will maintain and encourage an atmosphere of integrity;
K. The right to file a complaint through the Student Grievance Procedures to the College when the student’s rights have been violated; and
L. Enumeration of certain rights herein shall not be construed as to nullify or limit other rights possessed by students.
Student Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of all students to conduct themselves in a manner fitting an academic environment. This includes when the behavior or the presence of the student, in the College’s sole judgment, adversely impacts or represents a threat to the College community, damages the reputation of the institution, or impairs, obstructs, or interferes with the interests and/or mission, processes, or functions of Delgado Community College. This includes wearing of styles or articles of clothing that cause disruption or intimidation of others in the learning environment or violate established classroom protocols. Behaviors conducted through electronic means through blogs, web pages, social networking sites and any other modes of electronic communication are in the public sphere, are not private, and can be subject to allegations of misconduct.
In most cases, the exercise of good sense and judgment prevail. Students must adhere to all Student Responsibility requirements as published in the current Delgado Community College Catalog. This includes, but is not limited to, the student’s responsibility to update contact information with the College and to check electronic communications daily. The College reserves the right to take any necessary and/or appropriate steps to protect the safety and wellbeing of the College community.
In accordance with the Student Responsibility requirements as published in the current Delgado Community College Catalog, once a student formally registers for classes, the student assumes the responsibility for understanding all Delgado’s official policies, including but not limited to the policies published in the current Delgado Community College Catalog and Student Handbook. Students are responsible for adhering to all College and System policies and procedures in any form. The following acts as set forth by legislative act and LCTCS policy are contrary to acceptable conduct, and any student who commits or attempts to commit any acts, such as, but not limited to the following, will be subject to disciplinary proceedings:
A. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, academic misconduct, collusion, or accessory to acts of academic dishonesty. Students should be aware that personally completing assigned work is essential to learning. Students who are aware that others in a course are cheating or otherwise committing academic dishonesty have the responsibility to bring the matter to the attention of the course instructor and/or the Division Dean. Academic honesty and intellectual integrity are fundamental to the process of learning and to evaluating academic performance. Maintaining such integrity is the responsibility of all members of the College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Cheating–The act of deception by a student who misrepresents his mastery of information on an academic exercise. These acts can be either premeditated or not. Examples include copying or allowing someone else to copy work of another student; using a textbook or other material during an examination; collaboration during an academic exercise or giving or receiving information; and using specially prepared materials during an academic exercise, such as notes or formula lists.
- Plagiarism–The inclusion of someone else’s actual words or paraphrases, ideas, or data into one’s own work without acknowledging the original source. The included material must have appropriate citations such as footnotes or quotation marks and identification of the sources, published or unpublished, copyrighted or not copyrighted.
- Collusion–The unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing an academic exercise or committing an academic violation with another person.
- Academic Misconduct–The actual or attempted tampering or misuse of academic records or materials such as transcripts and examinations. Examples include stealing, buying, or otherwise obtaining all or part of an non-administered test or academic exercise; selling, bribing or giving away all or part of an non-administered academic exercise or any information about it; changing or altering a grade book, test, change of student record form, or other official academic records of the College that would alter grades; and breaking in and/or entering a building or office for the purpose of changing a grade or tampering in any way with grades or examinations.
- Falsification/Fabrication–The intentional use of invented information or the falsification of research findings with the intent to deceive. Examples include citation of information not obtained from the source indicated; listing sources in a bibliography not used in the academic exercise; inventing data or source information; submitting as one’s own, any academic exercise prepared totally or in part for/by another; taking a test for another student or permitting another student to take a test for oneself; submitting work previously used for credit in another course without express permission of the Instructor; and falsifying information on official school documents such as application, financial aid, and/or scholarship forms.
- Accessory to Acts of Academic Dishonesty–The act of intentionally facilitating, supporting, or conspiring with another student to commit any form of academic dishonesty.
B. Harassment defined as the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group. Such actions will be considered a violation of misconduct if deemed, for example, as intimidating, disparaging, unwelcomed sexual advances, physical or verbal in nature. Furthermore, if a violation of legal statute is found to have occurred the matter may be pursued criminally.
C. Obstruction or disruption of teaching and research.
D. Obstruction or disruption of authorized college event, administrative procedure, or disciplinary procedure.
E. Unauthorized entry into or unauthorized occupation of any college facility.
F. Verbal, emotional, or physical abuse or threat thereof against any person on campus or at any college-authorized event, or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health and safety of any such person.
G. Theft or damage to personal property or to the property of the College or injury to a person on the campus.
H. Intentional interference with the right of access to college facilities or with any lawful right of any person on the campus.
I. Setting a fire on campus without proper authority.
J. Unauthorized use or possession of fire arms, ammunition, or other dangerous weapons, substances, or materials on the campus.
K. Knowingly furnishing false information to the College, which includes but is not limited to false reporting, false accusations, or misrepresenting oneself.
L. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records or identification.
M. Use, possession or distribution of narcotic or dangerous drugs such as marijuana, hallucinogens, and other drugs which are not prescribed or expressly permitted by law.
N. Failure to comply with the directives of campus officials and law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties, to identify oneself to these officers when requested to do so, or failure to respond to requests for information.
O. Conduct which adversely affects the student’s suitability as a member of the academic community (such as drunkenness, use of profanity, or behavior deemed unbecoming of a student).
P. Violating the Tobacco-Free College policy in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1300.251-263.
Q. Gambling in any form on College property.
R. Use or possession of any alcoholic beverage on campus or at College-related activities occurring off site, except at functions as approved by the Chancellor.
S. Misuse or Abuse of Technology Equipment, Programs, Mobile and Web-based Applications, Resources, or Data - Unauthorized use of technology resources or use of technology resources for unauthorized purposes is prohibited by the College’s Information Technology Security policy. This may include but is not limited to such activities as misrepresenting a student’s identity in any authentication and identity verification process, accessing or copying programs, records, or data belonging to the College or another user without permission; attempting to breach the security of another user’s account or deprive another user of access to the College’s technology resources; knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks; using the College’s technology resources for personal or financial gain; allowing non-college personnel access to college technology resources; displaying obscene, lewd, or sexually harassing images or text in use of college technology services; transporting copies of College programs, records, or data to another person or computer site without written authorization; attempting to destroy or modify programs, records or data belonging to the College or another user.
T. Aiding or inciting others to commit any act set forth above.
Due Process/Judicial Procedures
As directed by the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System, Delgado must establish a student disciplinary procedure.
For a complete description of the policy and procedures, see the College’s Student Judicial Code policy, which is available at (click on “Current Students” then “Student Policies”) or in the Office of Student Life of each campus or site. In accordance with LCTCS Policy #2.004, Student Conduct and Appeal Procedures, after the student has exhausted all due process procedures at the college level, the student may choose to appeal to the LCTCS Board of Supervisors within thirty (30) calendar days of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ decision.
The Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) and Delgado Community College are committed to providing a supportive educational environment free from hazing; one that promotes its students’ mental and physical well-being, safety, and respect for one’s self and others. In an effort to maintain safety and in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 17:1801, 17:1801.1, 17:1805, 14:40.8, 14.502; mandatory Acts 635, 637, and 640 of the 2018 Louisiana Legislative Session and Act 382 of the 2019 Louisiana Legislative Session; as well as the Board of Regents’ Uniform Policy on Hazing Prevention and LCTCS Policy #2.003, Campus Safety and Hazing, hazing in any form is prohibited at Delgado for all students who participate in the institutions’ activities and organizations.
A. Definitions
Hazing means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act by a person acting alone or acting with others that is directed against another when both of the following apply:
- The person knew or should have known that such an act endangers the physical health or safety of the other person or causes severe emotional distress.
- The act was associated with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, participating in, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization.
Hazing includes but is not limited to any of the following acts associated with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, participating in, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization:
- Physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, paddling, striking, branding, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity.
- Physical activity, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, or calisthenics, that subjects the other person to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the physical health or safety of the individual or causes severe emotional distress.
- Activity involving consumption of food, liquid, or any other substance, including but not limited to an alcoholic beverage or drug, that subjects the individual to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the physical health or safety of the individual or causes severe emotional distress.
- Activity that induces, causes, or requires an individual to perform a duty or task that involves the commission of a crime or an act of hazing.
For purposes of this policy, hazing shall not include a physical activity that is normal, customary, and necessary for a person’s training and participation in an athletic, physical education, military training, or similar program sanctioned by the postsecondary education institution.
Organization is an association, corporation, order, society, corps, cooperative, club, service group, social group, band, spirit group, athletic team, or similar group whose members are primarily students at, or former students of, a postsecondary education institution, including the national or parent organization of which any of the underlying entities provided for in this definition is a sanctioned or recognized member at the time of the hazing.
Pledging is any action or activity related to becoming a member of an organization, including recruitment. Pledging is the broader term related to the admission, initiation, joining, or any other group-affiliation activity on the basis of actual or perceived membership; pledging is not reserved solely for Greek organizations but, rather, applies to any student organization.
Appropriate authority includes:
- Any state or local law enforcement agency.
- A 911 Public Safety Answering Point as defined in Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950.
- Emergency medical personnel.
Reckless behavior is an activity or behavior in which a reasonable person knew or reasonably should have known that the activity or behavior may result in injury to another, including but not limited to excessive consumption of alcohol, binge drinking, drag racing, consumption of any controlled dangerous substance, acts of hazing, or other similar activity.
Serious bodily injury is bodily injury that involves unconsciousness, extreme physical pain, or protracted and obvious disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty, death, or a substantial risk of death.
B. Consent Statement: A student’s request to join or become a member of an organization is not consent to any form of hazing. Further, a student’s acceptance to an invite or open enrollment to join is not consent to undergo hazing nor a defense for those accused of Hazing pursuant to this Policy.
C. Prohibition Statement: No organization or individual shall employ a program of student initiation/pledge education or social events, which includes hazing. Delgado operates with a zero tolerance and all alleged cases will be investigated.
D. Duty to Report: It is the duty of all current or potential student organization members and any faculty or staff member to report any violation of this policy to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or designee for student violations and the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources or designee for employee violations. If an organization has taken disciplinary action against one of its members for hazing or has reason to believe that any member of the organization has participated in an incident of hazing, the organization shall report the incident to the College. If an organization or any of its members has been disciplined by a parent organization for hazing, the organization shall report the hazing for which the organization was disciplined to the College.
If the College receives a report alleging the commission of an act of hazing by one or more members of a student organization that is organized and operating at the College, the College must report, as soon as practicable under the circumstances, the alleged act or acts to Campus Police, or if applicable, the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in the place where the alleged act or acts of hazing occurred. The information reported to law enforcement must include all details received by the College relative to the alleged incident, with no information being redacted, including the name of all individuals alleged to have committed the act or acts of hazing. The College should document in writing all actions taken with regard to the report including, but not limited to, the date the report was received, reports made to law enforcement, and any other information relative to the College’s investigation, processing, and resolution of the incident. The College and student organizations are expected to use the standardly used forms in making reports. The College, student organization, or individual that fails to comply with the provisions of reporting may be subject to criminal penalties as outlined in Act 635 of the 2018 Louisiana Legislative Session and Act 382 of the 2019 Louisiana Legislative Session.
E. College Response to Allegations of Hazing: Any allegations of hazing reported to the College will be investigated. If the investigation yields evidence of hazing, the College will then take appropriate disciplinary action against the individuals and/or organizations deemed responsible for the hazing.
F. Expectations for Violations: Expectations for Violations: In addition to potential criminal penalties related to hazing, any violation of this policy, including knowledge of and failure to report hazing activity, as soon as practicable under the circumstances, will result in expulsion, suspension, or dismissal, in the case of students, and may result in termination in the case of employees. Students will not be permitted to return for at least one semester. In addition, there will be a suspension of activities for a minimum of one academic year of any student organization that participates in hazing. Individuals accused of violations of this policy will be adjudicated through the College’s codified student and/or employee judicial process, and may be subject to criminal penalties as outlined in Act 635 of the 2018 Louisiana Legislative Session and Act 382 of the 2019 Louisiana Legislative Session.
If any person serving as a representative or officer of an organization, including any representative, director, trustee, or officer of any national or parent organization of which any of the underlying entities as recognized in this Policy is sanctioned or recognized member at the time of the hazing, knew and failed to report to law enforcement that one or more of the organization’s members were hazing another person, the organization may be subject to penalties under R.S. 14:40.8.
G. Publication and Dissemination: College policies on hazing shall be published on College and student organization websites and included in the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct.
H. Education, Awareness, and Prevention: Delgado Community College provides education, awareness, and prevention activities for hazing that include but are not limited to:
- Awareness seminars with organization advisors and student organization members;
- Awareness seminars with athletic coaching staff and student-athletes;
- Participation in National Hazing Prevention Week each September;
- Inclusion in Faculty/Staff Convocation activities; and
- Posting of this policy for students on the College’s learning management system, Canvas.
- Posting of this policy on the College’s website, including the Student Organization Guide webpage, College Catalog, and Student Handbook.
I. Duty to Seek Assistance In accordance with Act 637 of 2018, codified at R.S. 14:502, any person at the scene of an emergency who knows that another person has suffered bodily injury caused by an act of hazing shall, to the extent that the person can do so without danger or peril to self or others, give reasonable assistance to the injured person. Failure to seek assistance in violation of R.S. 14:502 may include criminal penalties.
J. Authority of Campus Police: For the purposes of Louisiana Revised Statute 14:40.8, Delgado Community College Campus Police Officers have the right to carry concealed weapons and to exercise the power of arrest when discharging their duties for alleged acts of hazing committed by members of a student organization that is organized and operating at the College for which a Campus Police Officer is commissioned regardless of the location where the alleged acts occurred. A Campus Police Officer has the authority to discharge his or her duties off campus when investigating a crime of criminal hazing committed off campus by members of an organization that is organized and operating at the College.
K. Recommended Best Practices
i. Prevention and Education Program
- Each new student shall be provided educational information on the dangers of and prohibition on hazing during the new student orientation process in the form of a handbook.
- In addition to the requirement of providing educational information in the form of a handbook as provided in the previous paragraph, beginning in the fall semester of 2019, each new student and parents of minors shall be provided educational information on the dangers of and prohibition on hazing during the new student orientation process either in person or electronically.
- Each organization as defined above in this Policy and in R.S. 17:1801.1 shall provide annually at least one hour of hazing prevention education to all members, prospective members, and anyone who is employed by or volunteers with the student organization. The education may be provided in person, electronically, or both. Each organization shall submit a report annually to the institution with which it is affiliated relative to the students, employees, and volunteers receiving such education evidenced by an attestation of such individuals receiving the education.
- The hazing prevention education required under the provisions above shall include the information about criminal penalties for the crime of criminal hazing. Information shall also be provided to organizations on their obligations under the law, including the duty to investigate and report; and on the possible loss of funding and other penalties applicable to organizations under the Hazing Laws.
ii. Effective Intervention
In collaboration with any relevant organizations/offices, Delgado Community College will provide education and training aimed at preparing faculty and staff club advisors, students and community members on hazing issues and statistics on campus. Bystander intervention training and social norming will be part of club, team and organization training in support of state laws to combat hazing.
Webpage Links:
- Student Handbook: Student Handbook: Anti-Hazing Policy
- Student Code of Conduct: Student Judicial Code (Rights, Responsibilities, and Disciplinary Procedures)
- Title IX: Delgado Title IX Program
Campus Free Expression
In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:3399.31 through 3399.37, relative to free expression on college campuses, Delgado Community College deems the free and open inquiry into all matters fundamental to the mission of higher education and is committed to the preservation of the lawful, free expression of ideas at all of its campuses, subject only to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. All campuses and sites of Delgado Community College will allow and protect non-commercial expressive activities by students, administrators, faculty members, staff members, and invited guests in accordance with all applicable laws and the College’s Campus Free Expression policy. Chalking, distribution of literature, and posting of materials are considered other forms of expression, which are subject to the respective policies: Chalking on College Property, Distribution of Materials on Delgado Campuses and Sites, and Procedures for Posting Flyers and Posters.
Delgado Community College assures equal opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religious or political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, national origin, age, disability/handicap or marital status or veteran’s status, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, and the sickle cell trait in the admission to, participation in or employment in programs and activities of the College.
Delgado Community College has a designated 504/ADA Coordinator and provides academic adjustments and auxiliary aids to qualified students. Delgado Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, or disability. Anyone with concerns or complaints about services offered should contact Traci Smothers, Equal Access Equal Opportunity Officer, at (504) 671-5161.
Tobacco-Free College Policy
Delgado Community College operates in compliance with Louisiana Revised Statute 40:1300.251-263 to provide a tobacco-free environment. Student, faculty, staff and visitor use of tobacco derived or containing products is prohibited on all College premises, including all facilities and within its vehicles. These products include but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, hookah-smoked products, oral and smokeless tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, and any additional products that meet the definition of a tobacco product as defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Alleged violations of this policy by students may be addressed in accordance with the procedures outlined in the College’s Student Judicial Code policy.
Environmental Safety – Clery Act Compliance
Crime Statistics
The Delgado Community College Campus Police Department is dedicated to providing professional law enforcement services to our community. The Department maintains daily statistics of reported crimes, which are available to the college community for review during business hours at the Communications Office located in Building 1 Annex on the City Park Campus, and are also available on the College web site at The table is a summary of criminal offenses reported to Campus Police for the past four years.
Offenses |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Homicide |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sex Offenses (Forcible) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sex Offenses (Non-Forcible) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Hate Related Crimes |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Aggravated Battery |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Simple Battery |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Aggravated Assault |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Simple Assault |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Stalking |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Robbery |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Burglary (Building) |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Burglary (Vehicle) |
0 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Auto Theft |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Felony Theft (over $300) |
8 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
Misdemeanor Theft |
7 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
Liquor Law Violation |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Drug Law Violation |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Weapon Violation |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Arson |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
26 |
9 |
6 |
6 |
3 |