STEP 1: Submit admission application.
All admissions requirements are due 30 days after the first day of school.
NOTE: Students applying for federal financial assistance must submit proof of high school graduation before aid is processed.
Who: First-time freshmen, transfer, and re-admit students
How: Apply online at www.dcc.edu.
The admission fee of $25 ($50 international application fee) will be assessed when applicants register for classes.
STEP 2: Apply for financial assistance.
Who: All students in need of assistance to pay tuition and fees
How: Apply online at www.fafsa.gov or see Financial Assistance information.
When: Priority deadline to apply for a loan is October 20, 2014.
(See Step 5 below for more details.)
STEP 3: Schedule and take appropriate placement test if applicable - $15 testing fee assessed.
- First-time freshmen who score under an 18 in Math or English and under a 17 in Reading on the ACT or who have not taken the ACT.
- Re-admit or transfer students who have not successfully completed developmental or college-level math and English courses with a grade of “C” or better within the last three years.
When: As soon as possible; placement tests are being given now and must be taken before students can register for classes. Students must be admitted before scheduling their placement test.
STEP 4: Register for classes.
Who: All students
- First-time freshmen will be given a date and time for their advising session. During the advising session, students will register for their classes.
- Re-admit, transfer, and continuing students schedule classes online at LoLA.
Note: Transfer and re-admit students must register in-person for classes that have corequisites or prerequisites. They must bring to advisors an official or unofficial copy of a transcript or grade reports from all institutions previously attended to register for courses requiring co-requisites or pre-requisites.
When: October 20, 2014 - January 16, 2015
View our registration videos for help with scheduling classes.
STEP 5: Secure classes.
Who: All students
- Using financial aid: Students must have completed the financial aid process before financial aid can be used to secure classes. (See Financial Assistance for information.)
- Paying out-of-pocket: Pay online at LoLA (credit card or electronic check) or visit the Bursar’s Office (cash, check, or money order only.)
When: By January 9, 2015 at 3 p.m. in person, or via LoLA by January 11 at noon.
Note: Classes not adequately secured by the payment deadlines may be deleted for non-payment. After last chance registration, all unpaid schedules are deleted nightly.
STEP 6: Start right – prepare for your first day of school.
- Get a parking decal - Bring your car registration and license with you to the Bursar’s Office. Complete the vehicle registration form, pay the fee, and pick up your decal when you pay tuition. For those who make payment online or secure classes with financial aid, parking decals must be purchased before the first day of the second week of school.
- Get Delgado ID card – ID card office on your campus - New students can receive their ID card 48 hours after securing classes. ID cards begin to be issued January 20, 2015.
- Learn how to use Delgado’s online resources – e-mail, Blackboard, LoLA – (see Online Tools & Resources pages for more information).
- Purchase books* – in person at the bookstore; bring a copy of your schedule to ensure you purchase the correct books, or online at dcc.bncollege.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/BNCBHomePage.
*Bookstore credits are only available for financial aid recipients who have a negative balance on their account and are only available for a limited time: January 14-27, 2015. Visit www.dcc.edu/departments/studentaffairs/reg/bookstorecredit for complete information.