Sep 07, 2024  
2012 Spring - Student Handbook 
2012 Spring - Student Handbook [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Student Life

Student Life - Student Government Association - SGA

Mission Statement

The Student Government Association (SGA) represents the students’ voices while supporting the academic mission of the College. This is done by providing vital co-curricular activities that enhance individual student development. We also promote participation in self-governance and uphold the high standards of education at Delgado Community College.

The SGA’s purpose is to…

  • Represent the student body by conveying the opinions, ideas, wishes and needs of the student to the administration, faculty and staff
  • Provide a better social, cultural and educational life on Campus
  • Promote the high standards of education offered at Delgado Community College

Benefits of serving on the SGA

  • Participate in leadership trainings
  • Express your voice in College decisions
  • Provide services to fellow students
  • Leave your mark by assisting in the planning and implementation of many Delgado traditions and activities
  • Build your resume
  • Become eligible for tuition waivers and workstudy positions if you are an executive officer

There are SGA offices at every Delgado location! Find out what’s happening on your Campus, and get involved!

SGA Web page

SGA Offices

West Bank Campus
Building 1, Room 128
Phone: 761-3118
E-mail address:

City Park Campus
Building 11, Room 105
Phone: 671-6000
E-mail address:

Slidell, multi-purpose office next to financial aid
Phone: 671-6610
E-mail address:

Charity School of Nursing
Room 619
Phone: 571-1337
E-mail address:




Student Life - Student Organizations

Departmental Clubs

  • American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
  • Art Club
  • Biology Club
  • Charity Association of Student Nurses (CASN)
  • Culinary Arts Club
  • Criminal Justice Club
  • Delgado Architecture Student Organization
  • Delgado Design Association
  • Delgado Dietetic Association (Student Chapter)
  • Delgado Education Association, City Park & West Bank (DEA)
  • Delgado Education Association (DEA)
  • Delgado Theatre Club
  • Grammy U (Delgado chapter)
  • Growthworks Horticulture Club
  • Fine Arts Club
  • International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP)
  • National Association of Homebuilders (Student Chapter)
  • Sociology Club
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHIP)
  • Veterinarian Technology Technician Organization (VETT)
  • X-treme Matheletes

Special Interest Groups

  • Campus Resistance Against Smoking Habits (CRASH)
  • Dolphin Domination Pep Squad
  • Dolphinettes Dance Team
  • Delgado Dolphin Newspaper
  • Delgado International Student Organization (DISC)
  • Delgado Theater Club
  • Delgado Video Club (DTV)
  • Delta Epsilon Chi (College DECA)
  • Irma Thomas Center for W.I.S.E. Women (Women in Search of Excellence)
  • Philosophy Club
  • Sociology Club of Delgado Community College Spectrum
  • Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
  • Student Government Association (SGA)
  • Veteran’s Club (VA Club)

Honorary Societies

  • Alpha Beta Gamma (Business Honor Society)
  • Delgado Honors Council
  • Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society)
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • Sigma Alpha Chi (Nursing Honor Society)
  • Sigma Chi Eta (Performance & Media Arts Honor Society)

Service Organizations

Upsilon Phi Upsilon Service Fraternity

For more information about student organizations contact

Student Life at (504) 671-6001or visit