Feb 08, 2025  
2013 Summer Student Handbook 
2013 Summer Student Handbook [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION]

Fee Descriptions

  • Academic Excellence

Approved by the State Legislature in 2003, the academic excellence fee promotes academic excellence at the College by enhancing institutional programs.

  • Application Fee

All applicants (including auditors) enrolled for classes are assessed a non-refundable application fee of $25, except international students who must pay a non-refundable application fee of $50. Fee is payable at the time application is submitted.

  • Student Activity Fee

This self-assessed student fee is charged to all students enrolled in the Registered or Practical Nursing Programs, with proceeds dedicated to nursing traditions and student activity programs. This fee was adopted by the former Charity Hospital School of Nursing and maintained upon transfer of the school to Delgado Community College in 1990.

  • Course/Laboratory Fees

Some courses may require course or lab fees. As authorized by the Louisiana Board of Regents, online courses require additional fees to cover electronic delivery costs. Click here for a complete list of fees. 

  • Dolphin Card (ID) Fee

The Dolphin Card is the official photo identification card of Delgado Community College, as well as a multifunctional purchasing and access card. The Dolphin Card System Fee ($10) is assessed each semester to activate the student’s card. The Dolphin card will be valid for as long as the student is enrolled in classes at Delgado.

Additionally, funds are deposited incrementally to the student’s Dolphin Card account at the beginning of each semester at a rate of $1 per credit hour enrolled, up to 12 hours, for free printing at all libraries and computer labs. At the time of registration, $6 is deposited automatically into the student’s Dolphin Card account for immediate use in the computer labs and library, and, if applicable, the final amount based on the student’s credit hours is deposited automatically on the 14th day.

If the student chooses to deposit additional money to his/her Dolphin Card, the student will be able to purchase meals at the food court, soda, water, items in vending machines, bookstore merchandise, and copies at libraries and computer labs, all with a swipe of the Dolphin Card. All deposited funds are available to the student as needed; however, refunds are not issued under any circumstances.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Fee

Effective Fall 2011, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved this fee, which is assessed to all students attending LCTCS colleges to support the implementation and continued operation of the ERP system, which will improve LCTCS business practices. This is a non-refundable fee.

  • Graduation Fee

Graduating students pay a $50 fee*, which includes $48 for diploma materials and processing, and $2 for a one-year membership to the Delgado Alumni Association. Students who apply after deadline incur an extra $40 fee. 

*Note: Upon a student’s completion of the requirements for a Certificate of General Studies (C.G.S.), the College documents the award on the student’s transcript. C.G.S. program completers who desire to participate in the graduation ceremony must complete the application process and pay the required graduation fee.

  • International Student Fee

All students who are non-U.S. citizens and also non-residents of Louisiana are charged $45 per semester.

  • Motor Vehicle Registration Fees

Every vehicle parked on College property must be registered with Campus Police. The registration fee is $50 for a one-year parking decal, $30 for fall or spring semester only, and $20 for summer session; each additional car registered at the student’s same address is $10. To receive a parking decal you must present to the Bursar’s office your official car registration certificate, a completed application for a decal and payment for the registration fee. A student who receives a violation ticket must present the ticket and pay the fine at the Delgado Bursar’s office within 48 hours. Tickets may be appealed within five working days of receiving the ticket. Unpaid fines will be treated as financial obligations to the College. Grades and copies of academic records will be withheld until fines are paid.

  • Non-Resident Fees

The Board of Supervisors for the LCTCS has established policies for determining residency for tuition purposes. For tuition purposes, a Louisiana resident is defined as one who has, or a dependent person whose parent or legal guardian has, abandoned all prior domiciles and has been domiciled and is employed part-time or full-time in the State of Louisiana continuously for at least one full year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of classes of the semester of enrollment. Other persons not meeting the 12-month legal residency requirement as defined may be classified as temporary residents for tuition purposes if they meet the requirements of one of the following categories.

Temporary Residency Classification Categories

- Military Personnel/Spouse/Dependent

An individual on active duty in the Armed Forces currently stationed in Louisiana may be classified as a Temporary Resident upon submission of documentation signed by the unit commander verifying his or her being on active duty and stationed in Louisiana. This classification of Temporary Resident is valid as long as the student remains enrolled and on active duty in Louisiana. 

A member of the Armed Forces (including Louisiana National Guard and Reserves) currently stationed in Louisiana on active duty may enroll as a Temporary Resident, including his or her spouse, minor child, or dependent student. A member of the Armed Forces who was eligible for classification as a resident of Louisiana under these regulations immediately prior to entering the Armed Forces retains the right to enroll himself or herself, spouse, and minor child or dependent student as a resident as long as he or she is in the Forces, but the right shall expire upon the person’s being separated from the Armed Forces and residing continuously for a period of at least two years in another state or foreign country.

When a member of the military, who has a spouse, minor child, or dependent student enrolled as a Temporary Resident, is transferred out of the state, the student may continue to attend under this classification as long as the enrollment is continuous, excluding summers.  Students classified as Temporary Resident must show proof of his/her or his/her parent’s or spouse’s military status at each registration period while enrolled and classified as a Temporary Resident.

Louisiana residents and their dependents, who are on active military duty stationed outside of Louisiana as a direct result of their military service, shall be determined to have Temporary Resident student status in Louisiana. Further, former active military personnel and their dependents shall maintain Temporary Resident student status for a period of one calendar year after official separation from military service. After the one year period expires, determination of resident student status for former active military personnel and their dependents shall be governed by the residency guidelines relating to non-military personnel.

- Visa categories: A, E, G, I, H, K, L

- Non-U.S. citizen lawfully admitted to the U.S. as Refugee, Amnesty Alien, Temporary Protective Status

Contact Admissions and Enrollment Services for specifics. Eligibility for reclassification as a Louisiana resident is determined by Admissions and Enrollment Services. Changes in residency status after the first semester of enrollment are made by the Office of the Registrar. Nonresident tuition is not applied if enrolled in all online classes. An applicant or student may not establish residency while residing in Louisiana for the sole purpose of attending school. Students on visas may not become residents.

  • Online Service Fee

Students enrolled in online classes will be assessed a $40 per semester online service fee, as approved by the LCTCS board.

  • Operational Fund Fee

Effective Fall 2004, Louisiana state legislators and the LCTCS approved an operational fee to be assessed at all state colleges and universities, which covers operational expenses no longer covered by the state.

  • Returned Check/Credit Card Chargeback Fee

Students will be assessed a fee for all returned checks and/or credit card chargebacks due to insufficient funds, unauthorized use, cancelled card or fraud. The fee is $25 or five percent of the amount of the returned check/ credit card chargeback, whichever is greater. Any student who has a returned check or credit card chargeback on his/her account will have to pay by cashier’s check, money order, or cash for the semester in which the check was written or the chargeback was incurred plus the next semester of attendance. Only in the case of a bank or card issuer error will the returned check/ credit card chargeback penalties be removed. After the College has exhausted its attempts to notify the student, failure to pay the returned check or credit card chargeback and additional charges will subject the student to an administrative withdrawal from classes, and his/her account will be submitted to a collection agency.

  • Student Government Association Fee (SGA)

The self-assessed student activity fee was approved by the student body in 1980 and increased by student referendum in 1993. Proceeds go directly to the Student Government Association (SGA), which oversees disbursement of the funds for student activities. Funds are also provided to various academic departments for cultural enrichment and to student organizations for activities benefitting the student body.

  • Student Life Center Building Fee

Self-assessed building fees were approved by the student body of the City Park Campus in 1997 and by the student body of the West Bank Campus in 2003. These fees apply to students registered at the respective campuses and are dedicated to the construction and operation of a new student life center on each Campus.

  • Student Services Fee

Effective Fall 2011, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved a student services fee for at all LCTCS colleges. This is a non-refundable fee.

  • Technology Fee

This self-assessed student fee was approved by the State Legislature and ratified by the Student Government Associations in 1997. The proceeds are for the purposes of “implementing, replacing, improving, and expanding technologies to benefit student life and learning” (from Legislative Act 1450, 1997).

  • Transcript of Records Fee

Copies of transcripts are $5 per copy. Same-day service is $10 per copy. All admission conditions and financial obligations to the College must be met in full before transcripts are issued.